Canlyniadau chwilio

37 - 48 of 476 for "court"

37 - 48 of 476 for "court"

  • teulu BOSANQUET Y mae'r teulu yn tarddu o'r Huguenotiaid; daeth y cyntaf ohonynt i Loegr o Lunel, gerllaw Montpellier, yn 1685. Llwyddodd y teulu ym myd masnach a cheir hwynt wedi ymsefydlu yn Forest House y tu allan i Epping Forest. Dyddir y cysylltiad â gororau Cymru o'r adeg y prynwyd Dingestow Court, gerllaw Trefynwy, gan SAMUEL BOSANQUET (1744 - 1806), llywodraethwr y Bank of England. Gwnaeth ei fab, yntau
  • teulu BOSANQUET This family is of Huguenot origin; its founder came to England from Lunel, near Montpellier, in 1685. Success in business led to its establishment at Forest House, on the outskirts of Epping Forest. Its connection with the Welsh border dates from the purchase by SAMUEL BOSANQUET (1744 - 1806), governor of the Bank of England, in 1801 of Dingestow Court, near Monmouth. His son, SAMUEL (1768 - 1843
  • BOWEN, EVAN RODERIC (1913 - 2001), gwleidydd Rhyddfrydol a chyfreithiwr roedd ganddo argyhoeddiadau Cristnogol dwfn, a daeth yn flaenor o fewn yr eglwys Bresbyteraidd yng Nghymru. Bu'n flaenor ar hyd ei oes. Yn ystod ei flynyddoedd olaf tueddai i fyw bywyd syml braidd fel meudwy mewn fflat bychan yn 3 Maynard Court, Fairwater Road, Llandaff o fewn y brifddinas, a'i iechyd yn dirywio'n raddol. Bu farw Roderic Bowen yng Nghaerdydd ar 18 Gorffennaf 2001. Roedd yn ddibriod
  • BOWEN, EVAN RODERIC (1913 - 2001), Liberal politician and lawyer Wales with Scotland and for Welsh representation in the Cabinet, a commitment recognized by both the National Eisteddfod, which he attended regularly, and the University of Wales. An individual of deep religious convictions, he had become an elder of the Presbyterian church. A lifelong bachelor, tending in his last years to be a recluse living frugally in a small flat at 3 Maynard Court, Fairwater
  • BOWEN, IVOR (1862 - 1934), K.C., county court judge Circuit) from 1905 to 1912; in the latter year be became a K.C. and was elected a Bencher of Gray's Inn. His legal offices included those of recorder of Merthyr Tydfil (1914-15), Swansea (1915-18), county court judge, Mid Wales Circuit (1918-33), treasurer of Gray's Inn (1923). An essay on the derivation and history of the name of the county of Brecon won him the prize at the Brecon eisteddfod, 1889
  • BOWEN, IVOR (1862 - 1934), K.C. ac ynad llys sirol hanes sir Frycheiniog. Cyhoeddodd The Statutes of Wales, 1908, The Great Enclosures of Common Lands in Wales, 1914, ' John Williams of Gloddaeth, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England ' (yn 00579Trans. Cymm., 1927-8), a ' Justices of the Peace and Quarter Sessions in Wales ' (yn 00579Trans. Cymm., 1933-4). Ysgrifennodd hefyd, eithr heb ei gyhoeddi, ' The King's Court of Great Sessions.' Yn ystod
  • BOWEN, JOHN (1815 - 1859), bishop of Sierra Leone Son of Capt. Thomas Bowen of the Court, Llanllawer, near Fishguard (Fenton, Pembrokeshire, 1903 edition, 312), was born 21 November 1815. His father's family (originally from Haverfordwest) were landowners living at Leweston in Camrose and at Manorowen. His parents removed from the Court to Stonehall, and then in 1830 to Johnston Hall. In 1847 he inherited Milton, an estate in the parish of Carew
  • BRADNEY, Sir JOSEPH ALFRED (Achydd Glan Troddi; 1859 - 1933), historian Justice of the Peace, as high sheriff, and deputy-lieutenant of his county, as a prominent member of the Court and Council of the National Library and of the Court of the National Museum of Wales, and as a member of the Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments in Wales, and of the Order of S. John of Jerusalem, etc. But it is as the historian of Monmouthshire and the editor of much other material for the
  • BRADNEY, Syr JOSEPH ALFRED (Achydd Glan Troddi; 1859 - 1933), hanesydd sir Fynwy gradd D.Litt. 'er anrhydedd' gan Brifysgol Cymru yn 1923. Bu'n briod ddwywaith, y tro cyntaf â Rosa (bu farw 1927), merch Edward Jenkins, Nantygroes, sir Faesyfed, a'r ail dro a Florence, merch Francis E. Prothero, Malpas Court. Medrai Gymraeg yn bur dda a pharhaodd i ysgrifennu Lladin hyd ei farw, 21 Gorffennaf 1933.
  • teulu BRAOSE during the campaign in Kerry, but was released on payment of a ransom. He further agreed to the marriage of his daughter, Isabel, with David, son of Llywelyn. Later, on a visit to Llywelyn's court, he was involved in an intrigue with Llywelyn's wife and was hanged (3 May 1230). With his death the male line of this, the main, branch of the family ceased, and the inheritance was divided between his four
  • BRUCE, MORYS GEORGE LYNDHURST (4th Baron Aberdare), (1919 - 2005), politician and sportsman members remaining in the House. His father was a good golfer and a well-known cricketer but his favourite games, at which he excelled, were the two indoor court games: rackets and real tennis; his mother was a good lawn tennis player and one of the first women to play squash. Lord Aberdare inherited his parents' love of tennis, particularly rackets and real tennis; he was captain of the Oxford
  • BRYDGES, Syr HARFORD JONES (1764 - 1847), llysgennad cyntaf Prydain yn Persia, ac awdur Rhydychen yn 1831, ac yn 1832 fe'i hetholwyd yn aelod o'r Cyfrin Gyngor. Priododd Sarah, merch Syr Henry Gott, Newland Park, sir Buckingham. Bu farw 17 Mawrth 1847 yn Boultibrook, gerllaw Llanandras, plasty y daeth ohono (yn 1923) rai o lawysgrifau'r teulu i'r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol (NLW MSS 4901-12), blaenffrwyth casgliad helaethach a ddaeth i'r Llyfrgell (yn 1943) o Kentchurch Court, sir Henffordd