Canlyniadau chwilio

1213 - 1224 of 1754 for "enid wyn jones"

1213 - 1224 of 1754 for "enid wyn jones"

  • MORYS ap HYWEL (ap TUDUR) (fl. c. 1530), a poet no details are known concerning his life, although a number of his poems remain in manuscripts. They include a number on religious themes, and some addressed to Siôn Wyn of Y Tŵr (Mold), Edward Puleston of Emral, and Llywelyn ap Ieuan ap Hywel of Moelyrch.
  • MOSES, EVAN (1726 - 1805) Trevecka, a tailor Register). See M. H. Jones The Trevecka Letters and his lists in Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanes y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd ix. This Evan Moses should not be confused with EVAN MOSES early C.M. exhorter Religion at Bala, a Cardiganshire man (so it is said) who with his brother JOHN MOSES settled in the town (they were blacksmiths) in the early 18th century; they were among the first members of the C.M
  • MOSES-EVANS, DAVID LEWIS (1822 - 1893), poet and schoolmaster , a post which he held for forty years. He was recognised locally as a good Welsh scholar. In the 1840's he contributed a series of character sketches to Yr Haul and in the 1850's he was a frequent contributor to Yr Ymofynydd on botanical subjects. He translated ' The Vicar of Wakefield ' and ' We are Seven,' etc., into Welsh. At the Lampeter eisteddfod of 1859 he was second to John Morris Jones
  • MYTTON, JOHN (1796 - 1834), sportsman and eccentric died in the King's Bench debtors' prison, London, 29 March 1834. He married (1) Harriet Emma, daughter of Sir Tyrwhitt Jones, who died 1820, and (2) Caroline Mallet Giffard, who left him.
  • NANNEY, DAVID ELLIS (1759 - 1819), attorney-general for North Wales between leases for lives and leases for years (Penrhyn 1848). He became squire of Gwynfryn by his father's death in 1805; in 1812 he inherited the Nanney lands of Bachwen and Elernion by the will of a bachelor uncle on condition that he assumed the surname Nanney. He died on 5 June 1819, without issue, bequeathing his estate to his nephew, Owen Jones of Bryn-hir, on condition that he assumed the name of
  • NANNEY, RICHARD (1691 - 1767), Evangelical cleric circulating schools of Griffith Jones (at Clynnog the school was often held in the parish church, at other times in distant houses on the borders); many of his letters occur in Welch Piety, all testifying to the value of education and some containing good suggestions regarding the lessons to be given, and some loud in their praises of the old schoolmaster Thomas Gough (as Gough had at one time been the
  • NICHOLAS, JOHN MORGAN (1895 - 1963), musician south Wales coast in the eighteenth century. His mother Margaret (née Jones) likewise came from an old established family which had for generations farmed Grugwellt Fach on Margam mountain, one of the old granges of Margam Abbey. Her brothers, John Morgan Jones of Merthyr and W. Margam Jones of Llwydcoed, were well-known ministers in the Calvinistic Methodist church. Morgan Nicholas showed precocious
  • NICHOLAS, THOMAS EVAN (Niclas y Glais; 1879 - 1971), poet, minister of religion and advocate for the Communist Party enrolled at Gwynfryn School, Amanford, under Watkin Hezekiah Williams, 'Watcyn Wyn' (1844-1905) and John Gwili Jenkins (1872-1936), an advocate of the broad and liberal theological views associated with the New Theology of R.J. Campbell. T.E. Nicholas acknowledged his immense debt to Gwili Jenkins for opening for him the world of Christian Socialism, though he had read for himself accounts of the work of
  • NICHOLAS, WILLIAM RHYS (1914 - 1996), minister and hymnwriter tuberculosis, and spent a long period at Sealyham hospital and the sanatorium at Bronllys, near Talgarth. The family attended the Independent chapel at Llwyn-yr-hwrdd, and in his early twenties, inspired by his minister, Stanley Jones, Rhys decided to offer himself as a candidate for the ministry. He went to the Presbyterian College at Carmarthen and from there to the University College of Swansea, where he
  • NICHOLSON, WILLIAM (1844 - 1885), Independent minister Park cemetery. Although he only spent eighteen years in the ministry, the freshness of his genius made him one of the most popular preachers in his denomination. ' One rarely heard a preacher with a greater gift for sustaining the interest of his congregation,' says Dr. John Thomas. The prominent part he played in the ' battle of the constitutions ' (see under M. D. Jones) displeased several people