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157 - 168 of 3357 for "john thomas"

157 - 168 of 3357 for "john thomas"

  • BULKELEY-OWEN, FANNY MARY KATHERINE (1845 - 1927), author The only daughter of J. R. Ormsby-Gore (1816 - 1876), 1st baron Harlech. She was first married in 1863 to the Hon. Lloyd Kenyon (died 1865); their son, Lloyd, succeeded his grandfather in 1869 as 4th baron Kenyon. Her second marriage in 1880 was to the Reverend Thomas Mainwaring Bulkeley-Owen, of Tedsmore, West Felton (died 1910). Mrs. Bulkeley-Owen took an active interest in Welsh cultural
  • BULMER, JOHN (1784 - 1857), Independent minister
  • BULMER-THOMAS, IVOR (1905 - 1993), Labour, later Conservative, politician and writer He was born in notably humble circumstances at Cwmbran on 30 November 1905, the son of Alfred Ernest Thomas (1876-1918), a local brick drawer, and his wife Zipporah Jones (died 1954), a domestic servant. He added 'Bulmer' (his second wife's maiden name) to his surname by deed poll in 1952. He was educated at Jones's West Monmouth School, Pontypool, St John's College, Oxford (where he was a
  • BURGESS, THOMAS (1756 - 1837), bishop
  • BURTON, PHILIP HENRY (1904 - 1995), teacher, writer, radio producer and theatre director amateur productions of the play in Britain and it included Richard Jenkins who would become the legendary global superstar Richard Burton. He was not, however, P. H. Burton's first or only protégé. For example, Burton nurtured the talent of Thomas Owen Jones (1914-1942), another collier's son. He won a scholarship to RADA then worked with the leading Shakespearean actors of the day at London's Old Vic
  • BURTON, RICHARD (1925 - 1984), stage and film actor Richard Walter Jenkins was born in Pont-rhyd-y-fen, Glamorganshire, on 10 November 1925, the twelfth child of Richard Walter Jenkins (a miner who was fond of his pint) and his wife Edith (née Thomas). Following his mother's death barely two years later, Richard went to live with his eldest sister, Cecilia, in the neighboring village of Taibach. The family was Welsh-speaking and Richard retained
  • teulu BUTE (marquesses of Bute, Cardiff Castle, etc.), Wilton in Wiltshire. After the Restoration their interest and influence in Wales declined. Much of their Welsh property was sold, and the remainder passed to THOMAS, 1st viscount Windsor (1699) and baron Mountjoy (1712), second son of the 1st earl of Plymouth (1682), upon his marriage to Charlotte, the only child of the 7th earl of Pembroke (and Montgomery), and widow of the 2nd baron Jeffreys
  • BUTTON, Sir THOMAS (bu farw April 1634), admiral and explorer the parish of S. Nicholas; later, the residence was probably on the site of the present house called Duffryn, situated nearby. The date of Thomas Button's birth is not known. He went to sea about 1589. In 1612-13 he commanded an expedition dispatched to inquire into the fate of Henry Hudson and to search for a north-west passage to Asia. Button explored a great part of Hudson Bay. He was knighted on
  • CADWALADER, JOHN (fl. second half of 18th century), ballad and interlude writer - gweler KADWALADR, SION
  • CADWALADR, Sir RHYS (fl. 1666-1690), cleric and poet poem on the death of Thomas Jones, astronomer, of Corwen. He himself died in the following year, 1690 (Llanstephan MS 15 (34)). Much of his work is extant; it includes twenty-four englynion, translations from Horace and Seneca, and a poem on the death of John Hookes of Conway, ascribed to the poet, but said to have been written on behalf of William Fychan.
  • CADWALADR, DAFYDD (1752 - 1834), Calvinistic Methodist preacher ; his daughter tells us that he composed his sermons while knitting 'very fast'; and as he was an untiring walker (even to London) he became a favourite preacher throughout Wales. He was a great friend of Thomas Charles, and published elegies on the death of Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Ehediadau y Meddwl, Bala, 1816). He died 9 July 1834; he was buried at Llanycil. Practically everything written on Dafydd
  • CADWALADR, ELLIS (fl. 1707-40), poet names, that he had received a good education. There are many of his poems in manuscript: NLW MS 4971C: Llyfr John Beans contains about twenty. He won in the chair competition at an eisteddfod held at Bala on Whit-Monday, 1738.