Canlyniadau chwilio

25 - 36 of 342 for "composed"

25 - 36 of 342 for "composed"

  • DAFYDD LLWYD MATHAU, MATHE, or MATHEW (fl. 1601-1629), poet and strolling minstrel families of Henllys (1603, 1606, 1611), Tre Wern, Pont Gynon (1615), and Pen-y-benglog (1629). He also wrote love lyrics and, moreover, in 1611, composed an awdl in the twenty-four regular metres and others devised by himself. There is one cywydd written in his own hand in Llanstephan MS 38.
  • DAFYDD NANMOR (fl. 15th century), poet . Besides the masterly praise bestowed by him in cywydd and awdl on Rhys o'r - Tywyn, and also on his sons, Dafydd Nanmor was the faithful eulogist of Edmund and Jasper Tudor; he also composed a cywydd and an awdl to Henry Tudor when the latter was but a child. For the meaning of his awdl enghreifftiol see J. Morris-Jones, Cerdd Dafod, 363-4, 379-82. Dafydd Nanmor, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Ieuan Deulwyn, Deio ap
  • DAFYDD, MEURIG (fl. second half of the 16th century), professional bard, staunch Papist, and one of the most important literary characters in Glamorgan genealogist and historian and discharged the duties of a 'herehaut' in the court at Ludlow. His poetical works, written in his own hand, are to be found in Llanover MS. B. 5. Composed in the strict metres, they are cold, stereotyped, and uninspired, with none of the fire which characterized the poetry of his master Lewys Morgannwg. The fictions invented by Iolo Morganwg about the part played by Meurig
  • DAI LLWYD (fl. 1485) Cwm Bychan, harpist and warrior He composed the air ' Ffarwel Dai Llwyd ' when leaving home to join the army in its march to Bosworth Field.
  • DEWI Saint , founder and abbot-bishop of S. Davids, and patron saint of Wales , his journey to Jerusalem with Teilo and Padarn, the part he played in two synods (at Llanddewi-brefi and 'Lucus Victoriae') against the Pelagian heresy, and the general lamentation at his death. An awdl to him was composed by the poet Gwynfardd Brycheiniog, and it contains some traditions not given in Rhygyfarch's 'Life.' The Life of David by Giraldus Cambrensis (Opera, iii, 377-404) is based on
  • DAVIES, ANEIRIN TALFAN (1909 - 1980), poet, literary critic, broadcaster and publisher includes a number of religious poems. He also translated Christina Rossetti's long poem, Goblin Market, into Welsh under the title Marchnad y Corachod (1947). Owen Talfan Davies was killed in a car accident in Scotland on 24 October 1963, and T. Glynne Davies (1926-1988) composed a radio poem, 'Yr Hedydd yn yr Haul' ('The Skylark in the Sun'), in his memory. Aneirin Talfan Davies also wrote two poems in
  • DAVIES, CADWALADR (1704), bard, ballad-writer, and collector of the ' Piser Sioned ' poems (Bangor MS. 3212 (564)); born at Llanycil, Meironnydd, son of David Thomas and Lowry Cadwaladr. He kept a school at Dwyryd near Corwen, and at Tre'rddôl (this in 1740). The ' Piser ' was gathered together in the years 1733-45, the main corpus being country songs and plygain carols, composed by homely bards of Penllyn and Edeirnion, the district of Cerrig-y-drudion
  • DAVIES, DANIEL JOHN (1885 - 1970), Independent minister and poet the national eisteddfod and he composed a number of acceptable hymns. He published a collection of his poetry, Cywyddau a chaniadau eraill in 1968. He held classes in cynghanedd in Llanelli. Although he was shy by nature, he became one of the leaders of his denomination; he was shrewd and wise with an unforced sense of humour and a pleasing personality. He was elected to the chair of the Union of
  • DAVIES, DAVID (1810 - 1875), musician he lived at Ty'n-y-fawnog, Llanfair-caereinion, Montgomeryshire, but was tenant of land belonging to a small farm called Cyddoleu. As there was only a small meadow between this place and the river Rhiw, it was also known as Glan-yr-afon. It was here, in a cowshed, that he composed the popular hymn-tune ' Glan'rafon,' which is still constantly sung by Welsh congregations. The air was first
  • DAVIES, DAVID CHRISTOPHER (1878 - 1958), missionary and representative of the British Missionary Society (B.M.S.) in Wales became proficient in Lingala, which was the common language of the inhabitants of the Upper Congo. He translated parts of the New Testament into both Heso and Lingala. He composed hymns in their languages and had them sung to Welsh tunes. In 1919 the Society transferred him to the rapidly growing city of Leopoldville. His task was to concentrate attention on the new arrivals of the Bangala tribe, who
  • DAVIES, DAVID LLOYD (Dewi Glan Peryddon; 1830 - 1881), poet, singer, etc. , Caernarfonshire, 1867, for an awdl on ' Tywyllwch ' (Darkness). Some englynion composed when he was 16 were published in Yr Amserau over the pseudonym of Dewi Einion. He was also a skilled writer of satirical and humorous verse, and contributed much material of that nature to Y Wasg Americanaidd; he was the editor of the ' Lloffion Difyrus ' feature in that newspaper, and in ' Y Cwpwrdd Cornel ' column of the
  • DAVIES, DAVID REES (Cledlyn; 1875 - 1964), schoolmaster, poet, writer, local historian schoolmaster in his native village. A gifted schoolmaster, he was respected by his pupils and the local people. The recitation pieces which he composed for children were very popular and were published in Tusw o flodau (1925) for use in schools. His major interests lay in writing poetry, and competing and adjudicating in eisteddfodau. He won many prizes at the National Eisteddfod including the chair at