Canlyniadau chwilio

373 - 384 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

373 - 384 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • HYWEL ap DAFYDD LLWYD ab Y GOF (fl. c. 1500), poet nothing is known of his life, but some examples of his work remain in manuscript, these being love poems and an elegy to the poet Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd.
  • HYWEL ap GRUFFYDD (bu farw c. 1381) Son of Gruffydd ap Hywel (from Collwyn), of Bron-y-Foel in the township of Ystumllyn and the parish of Ynyscynhaiarn, Eifionydd, by Angharad, daughter of Tegwared y Bais Wen. His paternal grandmother was a grand-daughter of Ednyfed Fychan. A younger son, he acquired fame in the French Wars of Edward III. The tradition that he won his spurs at Poitiers is not, however, confirmed by the evidence
  • HYWEL ap GRUFFYDD ap IORWERTH (fl. c. 1300-1340) According to a story recorded by Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt about 1650, Hywel ap Gruffydd ap Iorwerth was descended from Hwfa ap Cynddelw, founder of one of the so-called 'Fifteen Tribes.' His mother was said to have nursed Edward II after his birth at Caernarvon in 1284; as a result, Hywel enjoyed the favour of the king and was knighted by him. He was a man of great physical strength, able to
  • HYWEL ap IEUAF (bu farw 985), king of Gwynedd
  • HYWEL ap IEUAN ab EDNYFED (fl. end of 14th and beginning of 15th century) - gweler WYNN
  • HYWEL ap IORWERTH ab OWAIN Lord of Caerleon - gweler MORGAN ap HYWEL
  • HYWEL ap LLYWELYN ap MAREDUDD (fl. c. 1500?), poet
  • HYWEL ap RHEINALLT (fl. c. 1471-1494), poet him by Llywelyn ap Gutun in that poet's ymryson with Lewys Môn (Llanstephan MS 122 (620)). No details regarding his life are known, but he was obviously a native of some part of North Wales.
  • HYWEL ap RHODRI MOLWYNOG (bu farw 825), king of Gwynedd
  • HYWEL BANGOR (fl. 1540), an itinerant bard englynion in Llanstephan MS 41, but the relationship between the date and the text is not clear. If Peniarth MS 267 (54) is correct in attributing to him an englyn to the son of Dafydd ab Edmwnd, when he had sold his lands except the mere of Hanmer, he was composing much earlier in the century, for Edward ap Dafydd was disposing of his property between 1486 and 1515. The first part of Peniarth MS 179 was
  • HYWEL DDA (bu farw 950), king and legislator of his father's principality, namely Seisyllwg (Ceredigion and Ystrad Tywi). He bequeathed this to his two sons Hywel and Clydog, and on the latter's death in the year 920 Hywel took possession of the whole. He married Elen, daughter of Llywarch ap Hyfaidd of Dyfed, who brought him Dyfed (modern Pembrokeshire) as her dower - for Llywarch was, in all probability, the last prince of Dyfed. The prince