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409 - 420 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

409 - 420 of 2552 for "samuel Thomas evans"

  • ELLIS, SAMUEL (1803 - 1852), engineer
  • ELLIS, THOMAS (c. 1819 - 1856), Orientalist . From 1848 to 1850 he is stated to have helped Samuel Bagster in the preparation of his major Hebrew publications, including an Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon and Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon, but it is also known that he travelled in the East during this same period From December 1850 until his death in December 1856 he was employed as a supernumerary at the British Museum, cataloguing Syriac
  • ELLIS, THOMAS (1625 - 1673), cleric and antiquary
  • ELLIS, THOMAS (fl. 1824), poet
  • ELLIS, THOMAS (1711/12 - 1792), cleric minister, of a rather strict and puritanical type, and a warm supporter of Griffith Jones's schools; there are many letters of his in Welch Piety, including a sharp condemnation of John Evans of Eglwys Cymyn (1702 - 1782); he seems to have acted as a sort of supervisor of the schools in Anglesey, and was one of the half-dozen Welsh clerics appointed by Griffith Jones to receive contributions towards the
  • ELLIS, THOMAS EDWARD (1859 - 1899), M.P. for Merioneth (1886-99) and chief Liberal whip (1894-5) Son of Thomas Ellis and Elizabeth his wife. He was born at Cynlas, Cefnddwysarn, near Bala, 16 February 1859. He was educated at the British School, Llandderfel, and at the grammar school, Bala, where his contemporaries included D. R. Daniel, O. M. Edwards, and J. Puleston Jones. In January 1875 he entered the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, where he remained till 1879. In October 1880
  • ELLIS, THOMAS IORWERTH (1899 - 1970), educationalist and author
  • ELLIS, THOMAS PETER (1873 - 1936), judge (I.C.S.) and authority on Punjab customary law and medieval Welsh law
  • ELLIS, WILLIAM (Gwilym ab Elis; 1752 - 1810), hymn-writer and balladist Born at Ty-nant in the parish of Llanycil, Meironnydd, son of Ellis and Jane William. His wife's name was Ellen and in 1780 they were living in the township of Ismynydd; between 1780 and 1790 they had four children. He died December 1810 and was buried at Llanycil. It was for his benefit that Ychydig o Hymnau, etc. (undated), written by Edward Parry (1723 - 1786) of Llansannan, William Evans
  • ELLIS-GRIFFITH, Sir ELLIS (JONES) (1860 - 1926), barrister and M.P. Born 23 May 1860 in Birmingham, where his father, Thomas Morris Griffith, was a builder. While Ellis Griffith was still a child, his father retired and the family came to live at Ty Coch, Brynsiencyn, Anglesey. He went to school at Brynsiencyn and Holt and was one of the first batch of students at the University College, Aberystwyth. He graduated in the University of London when he was 19 years
  • ELWYN-EDWARDS, DILYS (1918 - 2012), composer Turle Scholarship at Girton College, Cambridge and a Joseph Parry Scholarship at the University College in Cardiff, and chose the latter, studying under David Evans. Her compositional gifts were developed during her time at Cardiff and some of her songs were broadcast by the BBC. After taking her B.Mus. she taught for three years at Dr Williams School before gaining an open scholarship in composition