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37 - 48 of 798 for "robert robertsamp"

37 - 48 of 798 for "robert robertsamp"

  • CARADOG ap IESTYN (fl. 1130), founder of the family of 'Avene' in Glamorgan his brothers, Gruffydd and Goronwy, he was concerned in 1127 in a deed of violence, the bearing of which is uncertain. But it is clear that, on the collapse of Iestyn's rule, he received from Robert Fitz Hamon the land between Nedd and Afan (and perhaps more) as a subordinate holding, to be retained by his descendants for many generations. By his wife, Gwladus, daughter of Gruffydd ap Rhys, he had
  • teulu CARTER Kinmel, . Edward Hughes - see the article Hughes, Hugh Robert, which brings the story of Kinmel down to 1911. It may be added here that Hugh S. B. Hughes died in 1918, and his brother and heir in 1940. The house (which had been rebuilt) was occupied by the War Department during the 1914-19 war, and was sold in 1934; but the greater part of the lands passed to the heir who, in 1953, deposited the family papers in
  • teulu CECIL Allt-yr-ynys, Burghley, Hatfield, Northampton) The claim that this distinguished English political family is of Welsh origin calls for some clarification. The ancestral name, which appears in the family pedigrees as 'Sitsyllt' and was softened down to 'Sissild,' 'Cyssel,' 'Cecild,' and 'Cecil' in the course of the 15th and 16th century, is presumably the Welsh Seisyll; but the founder of the family, ROBERT SITSYLTT, first appears in history
  • CHALONER, ROBERT (1612 - 1675), herald - gweler CHALONER, THOMAS
  • CHALONER, THOMAS (bu farw 1598), Ulster King of Arms Some particulars of this painter, poet, antiquary, and actor are given by W. J. Hemp in ' Two Welsh Heraldic Pedigrees, with notes on Thomas Chaloner, Ulster King of Arms,' in Y Cymm., xl. He was the fourth son of Robert Chaloner of Denbigh by his wife Dowce, daughter of Richard Mathew of Lleweni Green, Denbighshire. As Hemp points out, several members of the family were students of heraldry and
  • CHARLES, THOMAS (1755 - 1814), Methodist cleric life, Thomas Charles, now that Daniel Rowland and William Williams of Pantycelyn were dead, became the chief leader of his connexion. The books mentioned in a previous paragraph form but a part of his copious printed output - [in 1803, for the better furtherance of his publishing work, he had induced the printer Robert Saunderson to settle at Bala as quasiofficial printer to the connexion, but even
  • teulu CHERLETON JOHN CHERLETON (1268 - 1353) Son of Robert, lord of Cherleton in Wrockwardine, Salop. In 1309 he married Hawise Gadarn ('the Hardy'), sister and heir of Gruffydd ab Owain (died 1309 - see under Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn), lord of Powys; thus the Cherletons were lords of this part of Wales in the 14th and early 15th century. The occupation of Powys by John Cherleton was opposed by Gruffydd ap
  • CLIVE, HENRIETTA ANTONIA (1758 - 1830), traveller and scientific collector Powis. In 1774, 'Clive of India' also died and his eldest son, Edward Clive (1754-1839), became second Baron Clive of Plassey. Prior to his death, Henrietta's father had discussed with Robert Clive the possibility of marriage between Henrietta and Edward. A wedding eventually took place in London on 7 May 1784 with Henrietta becoming Baroness Clive of Plassey, further consolidating her family
  • CLOUGH, Sir RICHARD (bu farw 1570), merchant, and (for a period) 'factor' for Sir Thomas Gresham in Antwerp , Denbighshire; he was Katherine's second husband. Of this marriage there were two daughters, among their descendants being Hester Lynch Salusbury and Sir Robert Salusbury (died 1818), baronet, of Cotton Hall, Denbighshire, and Llan-wern, Monmouthshire. (Clough had, by Catherine Muldert of Antwerp, a son named Richard, from whom were descended the Cloughs described in the article on that family.) About the
  • CLYNNOG, MORYS (c. 1525 - 1581), Roman Catholic theologian to the see of Bangor but, before he was consecrated, queen Mary died and he went into voluntary exile rather than conform with the new dispensation under Elizabeth. In 1561 he, bishop Goldwell, and Gruffydd Robert, archdeacon of Anglesey, arrived in Rome. Goldwell was appointed warden of the English Hospital in that city, Gruffydd Robert became chaplain in 1564, and Morys Clynnog ' Camerarius ' in
  • teulu CONWAY Botryddan, Bodrhyddan, of John Digby of Goathurst) having predeceased him. Penelope, the only child of his second marriage, to Penelope, daughter of Richard Grenville (Greenould, acc. to Pedigrees) of Wotton Under-wood, Buckinghamshire, and heiress to the Botryddan estate, married James Russel Stapleton, and of their four daughters and co-heiresses, Frances, the youngest, became the wife of Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton of
  • COTTON, Sir STAPLETON (6th baronet, 1st viscount Combermere), (1773 - 1865), field-marshal came of the house of Salusbury of Llewenni - pedigree in J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees, 222. Sir John Salusbury (died s.p. 1684) left the estate to his sister HESTER (died 1710), who married Sir Robert Cotton, 1st baronet, of Combermere (died 1713); their son Sir THOMAS COTTON, 2nd baronet (died 1715), married Philadelphia Lynch. They had three children, of whom the youngest, Hester, married John