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889 - 900 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

889 - 900 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • RHYS GRYG (bu farw 1234), prince and both names are given him in the panegyric addressed to him by ' Prydydd y Moch ' (Llywarch ap Llywelyn), and printed in The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, i, 292-4. He was the fourth son of the ' lord ' Rhys ap Gruffydd (1132 - 1197), by Gwenllian, daughter of Madog ap Maredudd of Powys. He was an unreliable man, who rebelled against his father, played off one of his brothers against another
  • RHYS IFANC Sir (1325) - gweler RHYS ap GRUFFYDD
  • RHYS NANMOR (fl. 1480-1513), poet His genealogy is found in Peniarth MS 268 (585), and Dwnn, ii, 284; there he is described as a 'penkerdd,' i.e. a member of the highest order of bards, and 'ab Maredudd ab Ieuan ab Dafydd Tudur,' etc. Rhys's mother was Nest, daughter of Owen ap Ierwerth. He is said to have been a pupil of Dafydd Nanmor, but there is no evidence that they were related. He was primarily a 'family poet' to Sir Rhys
  • RHYS PENNARDD (fl. c. 1480), a poet it is said that he lived either at Conway or at Clynnog, Caernarfonshire, and that he was buried at Llandrillo, Meironnydd. A number of his poems remain in manuscript, including cywyddau addressed to Elisau ap Gruffudd ab Einion of Plas yn Iâl, Gruffudd Fychan ap Hywel ap Madog, and Rhys ap Hywel ap Madog of Talhenbont, Hywel Ddu of Anglesey and his wife Mallt, and also to William, constable of
  • RHYS (1325) - gweler RHYS ap GRUFFYDD
  • RHYS WYN ap CADWALADR (fl. c. 1600) Giler,, poet second son of Cadwaladr ap Morris Gethin of Foelas. Some of his englynion and cywyddau are preserved in manuscript, among them an elegy to his son (Llanstephan MS 54 (259)), and a cywydd ymryson with Thomas Prys in Jes. Coll. MS. 12 (319), and NLW MS 3047C (84), and, in the same manuscripts, two cywyddau in reply to him by Thomas Prys and a satirical cywydd to him by Huw Machno. In Llanstephan MS
  • RHYS Sir (1325) - gweler RHYS ap GRUFFYDD
  • RHYS, Arglwydd - gweler RHYS ap GRUFFYDD
  • RHYS, EDWARD PROSSER (1901 - 1945), journalist, poet and publisher he contributed verses to Cymru'r Plant when he was quite young. In 1924, at the national eisteddfod held at Pontypool, he won the crown for his poem 'Atgof', a poem which was unusual in its form and its content and which caused a stir at the time. He took the surname Rhys when he married Mary Prudence Hughes, of Aberystwyth in 1928; they had one daughter. In 1928 he began to publish books and
  • RHŶS, ELIZABETH (1841 - 1911), teacher, hostess and campaigner for women's rights , Elspeth went on to Borough Road Teacher Training College for Women in London, before her appointment as head of the British Girls' School in Amlwch. There, in 1861, she met John Rhŷs, then the young headmaster of Rhos-y-bol school. Later, Elspeth left Anglesey to serve as head of the British School at Broughton, Flintshire; then, encouraged by Rhŷs, she took up a position as an English teacher in
  • RHYS, ERNEST (PERCIVAL) (1859 - 1946), poet, author, and editor Born 17 July 1859 in Islington, London, son of John Rhys, a native of Carmarthen, who was a publisher's assistant in London, and Emma, daughter of Robert Percival, Hockerell, Hertfordshire. Soon after the birth of their son the parents went to live in Nott Square, Carmarthen, from where Ernest Rhys went to his first school; they afterwards proceeded to Newcastle-on-Tyne. It was from Newcastle-on