Canlyniadau chwilio

1165 - 1176 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

1165 - 1176 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

  • MORYS, HUW (Eos Ceiriog; 1622 - 1709), poet to assist his father on the farm. That he was well patronised by the gentry of Llansilin and district is amply proved in his poems, for time and again he acknowledges his indebtedness to Sir William Williams (1634 - 1700), Glasgoed (Speaker of the House of Commons), the Myddelton family of Chirk castle, William Owen of Brogyntyn, and others. Huw was ever an ardent churchman, and a staunch royalist
  • MOSES, EVAN (1726 - 1805) Trevecka, a tailor . Society at Bala (William Williams, Methodistiaeth Dwyrain Meirionydd, 52-5). Evan Moses's dates are not known, but his brother John died in 1787. The poet Ioan Tegid (John Jones, 1792 - 1852) was John Moses's grandson.
  • MOSES, WILLIAM (Gwilym Tew o Lan Tâf, Gwilym Tew; 1742 - 1824), poet
  • MOSS, GWENFRON (1898 - 1991), missionary in China and India ), she found there an enthusiastic welcome awaiting her from another lady, whose roots were, like hers, at Coed-poeth, namely the wife of the Reverend Dr. William Hopcyn Rees, the Welsh missionary from Cwmafan, in Glamorgan. After mastering the language at Beijing (Peking), the capital, she was appointed to work as a pharmacist in the Mackensie Memorial Hospital in Tianjin. She was there during the
  • teulu MOSTYN Mostyn Hall, (of Pengwern and Mostyn) the husband of Angharad, was, according to the bard Guto'r Glyn, (see Phillipps MS. 2160 in the Cardiff Public Library; see also NLW MS 3027E, i.e., NLW MS 3027E), a bard and a harpist; on the maternal side he was second-cousin to Edmund, earl of Richmond, and Jasper Tudor, earl of Pembroke. In 1415 he was an esquire in the retinue of Thomas Fitzalan, earl of Arundel and
  • teulu MYDDELTON Gwaenynog, considerable part in the public life of Essex. His strong Puritanism did not prevent him from sheltering and befriending his Roman Catholic brother WILLIAM MYDDELTON (sometimes confused with his cousin and namesake the bard WILLIAM MIDLETON), who had settled in Flanders, with a Flemish wife, and become an associate of Hugh Owen of Plas-du, the Catholic conspirator. Another brother, ROBERT MYDDELTON, a city
  • MYTTON, THOMAS (1608 - 1656) Halston,, parliamentary commander Wem (11 September 1643), Oswestry (23 June 1644) and eventually Shrewsbury (22 February 1645). On 12 May 1645 he succeeded Sir Thomas Myddelton as commander-in-chief for North Wales, with the rank of general, and after preventing the relief of Chester by defeating Sir William Vaughan near Denbigh (1 December 1645) he reduced successively the royalist garrisons of Ruthin, Caernarvon, Beaumaris
  • NAISH, JOHN (1923 - 1963), author and playwright John Naish was born on 20 April 1923 in Port Talbot, Glamorganshire, the third of four children of William John Frederick Naish, a carpenter, and his wife Sarah Ann (née Griffiths), a teacher. His siblings were older brothers William and Edward, and younger sister Lilian (Lily). He was educated at Eastern Primary School and Port Talbot Secondary School. He was keen on sport throughout his life
  • teulu NANNEY Nannau, Nannau'; he had a brother also, and executor of his will, who signs as 'Adam de Nannew.' Nor is there sufficient foundation for the story of Hywel Sele's treachery towards Owain Glyn Dŵr in 1402 - he was grandson to Meurig Fychan - so little indeed that Sir John E. Lloyd, the author of the standard work on the prince, never refers to Hywel at all. But certainly, the poet Llywelyn Goch ap Meurig Hen (c
  • NASH, DAVID WILLIAM (bu farw 1876 or 7), antiquary and writer on early Welsh literature
  • NASH-WILLIAMS, VICTOR ERLE (1897 - 1955), archaeologist Monuments (Wales) in 1955. He served in both World Wars (infantry, 1915-19; R.A.S.C. and latterly as Major in the Historical Section of the War Office, 1940-45); among other interests, he took particular pride in his membership of the Governing Body of the Church in Wales. In 1931 he married Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of William Luck of Liverpool; they had two sons. He died 15 December 1955. Nash
  • NEST (fl. 1120), princess of Deheubarth Daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr by Gwladus, daughter of Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn. About 1100 she married Gerald of Pembroke; there were at least three sons of the union - William, Maurice, and David Fitz-Gerald - and a daughter, Angharad, wife of William of Manorbier and mother of Giraldus Cambrensis. Clearly a woman of great charm and beauty, she became the mistress of many lovers. Her romantic abduction