Canlyniadau chwilio

745 - 756 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

745 - 756 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • RHYS CAIN (bu farw 1614), herald bard The older biographical dictionaries make him a native of Trawsfynydd, but it is more probable that he took his bardic name from another river Cain, in Mechain Iscoed. His pedigree is traced from Edwin, king of Tegeingl. His father was Rheinallt ap John Wynn, and his paternal grandmother was a daughter of Thomas Ireland of Oswestry, in which town he also resided for the greater part of his life
  • RHYS DEGANWY (fl. c. 1480), a poet who took his name, obviously, from the Creuddyn district of Caernarvonshire. No details are known concerning his life, but a number of his poems remain in manuscript; they include poems to Dafydd Gethin ap Gruffudd Goch of Llanwnnog and William Herbert of Raglan.
  • RHYS GOCH ERYRI (fl. early 15th century), poet Perhaps he was 'un o'r rhai gorau ieuainc' ('one of the best of the young ones') mentioned in 'Cywydd y Cwest' by Gruffudd Llwyd (1385?). The reading there is not quite certain, but one can rely on Rhys Goch Eryri's own elegy to Gruffudd Llwyd ap Dafydd ab Einion where he refers to the latter as 'athro' ('teacher') and says that he was almost of the same age as himself. Llywelyn ap Moel y Pantri
  • RHYS GOCH GLYNDYFRDWY (fl. c. 1460), poet Like Guto'r Glyn he too sang the praises of the five sons of Llywelyn ab Hwlcyn of Anglesey, generous patrons of the bardic order. There were family ties between Llywelyn's descendants and the Pulestons, and Rhys Goch wrote an elegy on the death of John Puleston, heir of Emral. His elegy on the death of Rosier ap Siôn is interesting in that it refers to the celebrated cywydd by Gruffudd Llwyd ap
  • RHYS GOGH ap RHICCERT The only reliable information about him which we have is contained in pedigrees (e.g. Peniarth MS 178) from which we learn that he was a grandson of Einion ap Collwyn who lived in Glamorgan at the time of the Norman Conquest, and that he was an ancestor of Rhys Brydydd of Llanharan and other well-known poets of the same line, such as Lewys Morgannwg. Twenty poems are attributed to him in Iolo MSS
  • RHYS GRYG (bu farw 1234), prince and both names are given him in the panegyric addressed to him by ' Prydydd y Moch ' (Llywarch ap Llywelyn), and printed in The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, i, 292-4. He was the fourth son of the ' lord ' Rhys ap Gruffydd (1132 - 1197), by Gwenllian, daughter of Madog ap Maredudd of Powys. He was an unreliable man, who rebelled against his father, played off one of his brothers against another
  • RHYS NANMOR (fl. 1480-1513), poet His genealogy is found in Peniarth MS 268 (585), and Dwnn, ii, 284; there he is described as a 'penkerdd,' i.e. a member of the highest order of bards, and 'ab Maredudd ab Ieuan ab Dafydd Tudur,' etc. Rhys's mother was Nest, daughter of Owen ap Ierwerth. He is said to have been a pupil of Dafydd Nanmor, but there is no evidence that they were related. He was primarily a 'family poet' to Sir Rhys
  • RHYS PENNARDD (fl. c. 1480), a poet it is said that he lived either at Conway or at Clynnog, Caernarfonshire, and that he was buried at Llandrillo, Meironnydd. A number of his poems remain in manuscript, including cywyddau addressed to Elisau ap Gruffudd ab Einion of Plas yn Iâl, Gruffudd Fychan ap Hywel ap Madog, and Rhys ap Hywel ap Madog of Talhenbont, Hywel Ddu of Anglesey and his wife Mallt, and also to William, constable of
  • RHYS WYN ap CADWALADR (fl. c. 1600) Giler,, poet second son of Cadwaladr ap Morris Gethin of Foelas. Some of his englynion and cywyddau are preserved in manuscript, among them an elegy to his son (Llanstephan MS 54 (259)), and a cywydd ymryson with Thomas Prys in Jes. Coll. MS. 12 (319), and NLW MS 3047C (84), and, in the same manuscripts, two cywyddau in reply to him by Thomas Prys and a satirical cywydd to him by Huw Machno. In Llanstephan MS
  • teulu RICE Newton, Dynevor, Descended from Gruffudd ap Nicolas, the family, later known as the Rices, reached their highest point of wealth and influence in the person of Sir Rhys ap Thomas. His grandson, Sir RHYS AP GRUFFYDD, who married, in 1524, lady Catherine Howard, daughter of the 2nd duke of Norfolk, was executed for treason in 1531. The evidence for his guilt was slight and his real offence was probably his
  • RICHARD ap JOHN (fl. 1578-1611) Scorlegan, Llangynhafal, gentleman, poet, patron of bards, and copyist He traced his pedigree through Edwin ap Grono to Hywel Dda and Rhodri Mawr. His father, John Wyn ap Robert ap Griffith, was a waiter in the queen's ewry, but he died of the plague before the children, Richard, John Wyn, and Catherine, had reached their majority. Lewis ab Edward and Gruffudd Hiraethog wrote elegies on his death. The children and their mother, Margaret, daughter of Griffith ab
  • teulu RICHARDS Coed, Caerynwch, deputy-herald by TUDOR VYCHAN (Tuder Vaughan ap David Lloyd in Caerynwch document 996, dated 23 September 1588). ROBERT VAUGHAN, of Caerynwch, third in descent from Tudor Vychan, was buried at Dolgelley on 30 July 1693. His wife, Margaret, was one of the daughters of Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt, the antiquary. GRACE VAUGHAN, daughter and heiress of Robert Vaughan, of Caerynwch, married (9 November 1698