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97 - 108 of 319 for "humphrey llwyd"

97 - 108 of 319 for "humphrey llwyd"

  • HUGHES, DAVID (bu farw 1609), founder of Beaumaris grammar school education (John Morgan, David Hughes, Founder of Beaumaris Free Grammar School … 1883; see also Poetical Works of Richard Llwyd, 21n). Settling in Norfolk, he was appointed steward of the manor of Woodrising about 1596. In 1602 he established the Free Grammar School at Beaumaris. His will, dated 30 September 1609, endowed the school and made provision for the establishment of an almshouse at Llannerch-y
  • HUGHES, OWEN (bu farw 1708), attorney Bulkeley daughters with young John Griffith of Cefn Amwlch. In the same year he was high sheriff of Anglesey and the hero of a cywydd panegyric by Edward Morris; the bard's praise is indeed extravagant, but nearer to the truth than the irresponsible stories told by Angharad Llwyd. The peace with the Bulkeleys was not long kept; Hughes became mayor of Newborough, gathered a clique of the burgesses around
  • HUGHES, WILLIAM MELOCH (1860 - 1926), colonist and writer Born 9 April 1860 at Pen-sarn, Betws Gwerfyl Goch, but the family moved to Melin Meloch, near Llandderfel, about 1868. He was educated at Bala grammar school, at the same time as T. E. Ellis, O. M. Edwards, J. Puleston Jones, Mihangel and Llwyd ap Iwan. Trained as a photographer, he set up in business at Newtown, where he also started preaching with the intention of entering the Congregational
  • HUMPHREY, - gweler LEWIS
  • HUMPHREY, Llwyn-du Llangelynnin - gweler LEWIS
  • HUMPHREYS, DAVID (1813 - 1866), minister (CM) Born 13 October 1813, son of Edward and Elizabeth Humphreys, Glyndu, Llangynog, Montgomeryshire. He began preaching with the Calvinistic Methodists in 1840, and was ordained 1848; he attended Bala College for a short while. He was a pleasant person and a commendable preacher. He married a sister of Humphrey Evans, an elder at Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant, where he spent the rest of his life. A skilful
  • HUMPHREYS, EDWARD MORGAN (1882 - 1955), journalist, writer and broadcaster Born 14 May 1882 in Dyffryn Ardudwy, Merionethshire, eldest son of John and Elizabeth Humphreys. His brothers were Humphrey Llewelyn and John Gwilym. His mother was the niece of Edward Morgan, Dyffryn, preacher and writer, and a cousin of R.H. Morgan, Menai Bridge, pioneer of short-hand in Welsh. His great-grandfather was Richard Humphreys, a preacher noted for his wit, a teetotaller and a
  • HUMPHREYS, HUMPHREY (1648 - 1712), bishop, antiquary, historian, and genealogist
  • HUMPHREYS, RICHARD (1790 - 1863), Calvinistic Methodist minister Born in June 1790, son of Humphrey Richard, Gwern-y-cynyddion, Dyffryn Ardudwy, Meironnydd. His father moved to Faeldref, another farm in the district, about 1800, and it was in Faeldref that Richard Humphreys spent the greater part of his life, farming, preaching, and, for a period, also keeping a shop at Dyffryn. He went to school at Shrewsbury and began to preach in 1819. He was ordained in
  • HUW ap DAFYDD ap LLYWELYN ap MADOG (fl. c. 1526-1580), poet
  • HUW CAE LLWYD (fl. 1431-1504), poet nine awdlau and thirty-five cywyddau, some being elegies, some panegyrics, and some petitions, after the manner of poets in those days. Huw Cae Llwyd was essentially a courtly poet, one whose poetry was at its best when he was returning thanks for benefits received. The date of his birth is not known, but the dates between which he flourished can be established from internal evidence provided by his