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109 - 120 of 319 for "humphrey llwyd"

109 - 120 of 319 for "humphrey llwyd"

  • HWLCYN LLWYD Glynllifon (bu farw 1403) - gweler GLYN
  • HYWEL ab EINION LLYGLIW (fl. 1330-1370), poet and uncle to Gruffudd Llwyd ap Dafydd ab Einion Llygliw. Nothing is known about him, but his love poem addressed to Myfanwy Fychan of Castell Dinas Bran, Llangollen, is preserved in NLW MS 1553A (275), NLW MS 4973B (369b), NLW MS 6209E (216), and published in The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales; for an English translation see T. Pennant, Tours in Wales. The poet is named Hywel ab Einion of Maelor
  • HYWEL ap DAFYDD LLWYD ab Y GOF (fl. c. 1500), poet nothing is known of his life, but some examples of his work remain in manuscript, these being love poems and an elegy to the poet Dafydd Llwyd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd.
  • HYWEL ap GRUFFYDD ap IORWERTH (fl. c. 1300-1340) bend horseshoes with his hands (Cambrian Register, i, 145-55; Yorke, Royal Tribes (edn. 1887), 65 and 172-3). No record evidence exists to support the legend but medieval poets used his name to typify physical prowess (Iolo Goch ac Eraill (edn. 1937), 107 and 356; Richard Llwyd, Beaumaris Bay, 53n). The descent from Hwfa is confirmed by Lewys Dwnn (Visitations, ii, 206 and 259), but elsewhere Dwnn
  • HYWEL HEILIN (fl. 15th c.), poet nothing is known of his life. Some of his work is extant in manuscript, including two love poems and a cywydd in praise of Ieuan Llwyd of Glyn Aeron.
  • IEUAN ap BEDO GWYN (fl. c. 1530-1590?), poet and owner of the Llysyn estate, Llanerfyl, Montgomeryshire, before its purchase by the Herbert family; descendant of one of the younger branches of the family of Neuadd Wen (a neighbouring estate), and therefore of Maredudd, brother of Gruffudd ap Cynan. A little only of his work remains, and this includes a cywydd written to Dafydd ap Ieuan Llwyd of Nantmynach, in 1538.
  • IEUAN ap HUW CAE LLWYD (fl. 1475-1500), one of the minor poets of the 15th century son of Huw Cae Llwyd, born in all probability in Brecknock. He did not write much in the way of poetry and, as he himself avers, laid ho claim to being a great poet. In 1475 he accompanied his father to Rome. He sang the praises of Sir Thomas Vaughan, but it is obvious that his poems are, for the most part, mere exercises and that he was not as competent a poet as his father.
  • IEUAN ap RHYDDERCH ap IEUAN LLWYD (fl. 1430-1470), gentleman and poet Son of Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd of Rhydderch Park, in the parish of Lanbadarn Odyn, a wealthy landowner who held office under the Crown in 1387. According to Dwnn, i, 28, the mother of ' Ieuan ap Rhydderch ab Ieuan Llwyd y prydydd ' was Annes, daughter of Gwilym ap Philip ab Elidir. But Dwnn, i, 45, 85, states that Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd married twice, (1) ' Marged ferch Gruffydd Gryg ap Ieuan
  • IEUAN (IFAN) ap SION (fl. c. 1612-1636), poet Some examples of his work remain in manuscript; they include an elegy to Tomas Llwyd ap Rhobert of Penllyn (Llanstephan MS 133 (292)), a begging poem to Master William Wyn of Gwydir (Cardiff MS. 83 (485)), and englynion, including some on Llanrwst bridge (NLW MS 3049D (449, 507))
  • IEUAN DEULWYN (fl. c. 1460), poet Llwyd ap Gwilym of Castell Hywel, Llywelyn ap Dafydd ab Einion of Llanllawddog, and his family, Siôn ap Dafydd of Llys Newydd, and John Lewys and his father of Prysaddfed in Anglesey. He composed religious and love poetry, and also one poem of controversy, or ymryson, addressed to Bedo Brwynllys; Ieuan was himself a keen Yorkist, and he accused Bedo of being hypocritical in this matter. An elegy