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109 - 120 of 869 for "howell elvet lewis"

109 - 120 of 869 for "howell elvet lewis"

  • EDWARDS, JOHN (1692? - 1774), parish clerk and poet the almanacs produced by Gwilym Howell of Llanidloes, 1766-75. He was buried in Manafon churchyard, 14 January 1774.
  • EDWARDS, LEWIS (1809 - 1887), principal of Bala Calvinistic Methodist College, teacher and theologian Born 27 October 1809 at Pwllcenawon, Pen-llwyn, Cardiganshire, the eldest son of Lewis and Margaret Edward. He attended the local schools at Glanrafon, Pen-y-banc, and the Calvinistic Methodist chapel, Pen-llwyn. He was also educated at the Llanfihangel-genau'r-glyn schools, at the school kept at Aberystwyth by John Evans (1796 - 1861), and at Llangeitho. In 1827 he opened a small school of his
  • EDWARDS, ROGER (1811 - 1886), Calvinistic Methodist minister Born 26 January 1811 at Bala, the son of Roger and Elizabeth Edwards. Brought up at Dolgelley and educated there at Lewis William of Llanfachreth's school, he subsequently was at the grammar school at Bala. Following an abortive attempt to train him as a shop assistant, he was sent to Evan Rowland's school in Liverpool and then to the seminary kept by John Hughes (1796 - 1860) at Wrexham. From
  • EDWARDS, THOMAS (Twm o'r Nant; 1739 - 1810), poet and writer of interludes criticism. Twm's two main characteristics, his ready wit and his facility in versification, account for many a scathing passage in his works, and also for the fact that some of his verses remained in the popular memory for generations. (It will be recalled how Mari Lewis, in Daniel Owen's novel, Rhys Lewis, was continually quoting 'Tomos o'r Nant.') A collection of his poems, entitled Gardd o Gerddi and
  • EDWARDS, THOMAS CHARLES (1837 - 1900), Calvinistic Methodist minister, exegete and preacher First principal of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (1872-91) and second principal of Bala College (1891-1900). Born 22 September 1837, in the year in which his father, Lewis Edwards, opened his academy at Bala. His first teachers were John Williams of Llandrillo and Evan Peters. He then went to Bala College (1852) (London matriculation 1852, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862), and [after
  • EINION ap COLLWYN (fl. 1100?), prince and warrior Lewis Glyn Cothi and Gwilym Tew assert that he was a man of Gwynedd who migrated to Glamorgan in Iestyn's days - and George Owen adds that his father Collwyn was nephew to Angharad daughter of Ednowain ap Bleddyn of Ardudwy and mother of Iestyn. It may be observed that Lloyd's A History of Wales ignores Einion completely (see p. 402, f.n.), and that he had intended to exclude him from the present work
  • ELIAS, JOHN (1774 - 1841), Calvinistic Methodist minister, and famous preacher education for the ministry, and he encouraged Lewis Edwards to open a school at Bala (1837) to this end. His published works are listed in the Cardiff Welsh Library Catalogue.
  • ELIS CYNFRIG (fl. 1580-1620), poet Son of 'Rissiart Lewis of vanachloc redyn,' according to Cwrtmawr MS 203B (73). Some of his carols are preserved in manuscript, these being on themes of religion, love, and eulogy. Two of them are printed in Canu Rhydd Cynnar and Cerddi Rhydd Cynnar.
  • teulu ELLIS Bron y Foel, Ystumllyn, Ynyscynhaearn Ellis (died 8 April 1688), groom of the privy chamber to Charles II. Ellis Ellis, whose wife was Mabli, daughter of William Lewis Anwyl, of Parc, Llanfrothen (see the article on that family), was the father of OWEN ELLIS II (will proved 1691), to whom and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Bodwrda, Gruffydd Phylip wrote a cywydd priodas (a marriage poem), was the father of MARGARET ELLIS (died 1712
  • ELLIS, DAVID (1736 - 1795), cleric, poet, translator, and transcriber of manuscripts Penitent Shepherd: a sacred poem, which was published in Blodau Dyfed, an anthology compiled by J. Howell (Carmarthen, 1824) [p. 55]. He also copied a large number of Welsh manuscripts which today are included among such well-known collections as Peniarth, Cwrtmawr, and N.L.W., in the National Library of Wales; Gwyneddon in the library of the U.C.N.W., Bangor, and Cardiff City Free Library. He also made
  • ELLIS, EDWARD LEWIS (1922 - 2008), historian and biographer