Canlyniadau chwilio

1297 - 1308 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

1297 - 1308 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

  • PHYLIP, WILLIAM (1579/80? - 1669/70), poet - gweler PHYLIP
  • PICTON, Sir THOMAS (1758 - 1815), soldier, colonial governor and enslaver Thomas Picton was born on 24 August 1758 in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, the seventh of the twelve children of Thomas Picton (1723-1790), a landowner who traced his ancestry back to the Norman knight William de Pyketon, and his wife Cecil (1728-1806), daughter of the Reverend Edward Powell and a half-sister to Richard Turberville (TURBERVILLE family of Coity, Glamorganshire). Growing up at
  • PIERCE, ELLIS (Elis o'r Nant; 1841 - 1912), author of historical romances and bookseller guardians and rural district council, and represented his district for many years on the Arfon Liberal Association, being a staunch supporter of William Rathbone and William Jones. W. J. Roberts (Gwilym Cowlyd) appointed him recorder of ' Arwest Glan Geirionnydd.' About 1891 he married Gwen, daughter of Owen Jones, Hafodfraith, Penmachno. He died at his home, Willoughby House, Dolwyddelan, 31 July 1912
  • PIERCE, THOMAS JONES (1905 - 1964), historian Crematorium, Liverpool. T. Jones Pierce had been a pupil of William Garmon Jones at Liverpool but he was greatly influenced by John Edward Lloyd whose colleague he was at Bangor. In turn he himself inspired generations of young Welsh historians and was acknowledged to be one of the most creative Welsh historians of his day. He was a pioneer in the study of the problems associated with the decay of tribalism
  • PIERCE, THOMAS MORDAF (1867? - 1919), Calvinistic Methodist minister, and author , Calvinistic Methodist minister, and a study of the life and work of William Owen Pughe (Caernarvon, 1914). In addition he collected material relating to the general life (including religious life) of Llanidloes and Dolgelley, the lives of members of the Mills (Llanidloes) family, etc. - for examples see NLW MS 6173D, NLW MS 6175C, NLW MS 6176D, NLW MS 6177D, 6178C, 6179B, NLW MS 6183C, NLW MS 6184D, NLW MS
  • PIERCE, WILLIAM (1853 - 1928), Congregational minister and historian
  • POWEL, CHARLES (1712 - 1796), antiquarian the last in the male line of descent of the Powels of Castlemadoc, Brecknock, and ultimately descending from William Powel, a Welsh poet who flourished c. 1580-1620. He was an antiquarian of more than usual merit, and corresponded with many of the leading antiquarians of his day. His researches into the antiquities of South Wales attracted the notice of John Strange who referred to some of
  • POWEL, DAVID (c.1540 - 1598), cleric and historian representatives of the Revival of Learning in Wales. Bishop William Morgan acknowledges his help in translating the Bible into Welsh, and Dr. John Davies of Mallwyd (and, for that matter, Powel's own son Daniel) says that he intended producing a Welsh dictionary. But it is as a historian that Powel is remembered. In September 1583 Sir Henry Sidney - Powel was his chaplain, asked him to prepare for press the
  • teulu POWELL Nanteos, Llechwedd-dyrus, the Exchequer, and 'Judge of the King's Bench in Kg. James the Second's time' (Peniarth MS 156), married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of David Lloyd (Gwyn) of Aberbrwynen, and was the father of WILLIAM POWELL. The latter married Avarina, daughter of Cornelius le Brun by his wife, Ann, daughter and co-heiress of John Jones of Nanteos. William Powell's eldest son THOMAS POWELL (died 1752) was
  • POWELL, HOWELL (bu farw 1716), Congregational minister published his translation of a work by Elisha Cole. He travelled much in Brecknock and elsewhere in South Wales, preaching everywhere. He was a learned and cultured man with a gift for expounding the Gospels to country audiences. It was a great loss to Wales when he went to the U.S.A. in 1712. He settled as a Congregational minister at Cohensey, New Jersey, but died there in 1716. William Rowlands (Gwilym
  • POWELL, HOWELL (1819 - 1875), Calvinistic Methodist minister in the U.S.A., and author Twrch (John Edwards) as co-editor, he published, 1871, Llyfr Hymnau y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd; he also published, 1873, Cofiant … William Rowlands, D.D., Utica, Efrog Newydd. He died 23 March 1875. A biography of him, by Thomas Levi, was published in New York.
  • POWELL, JOHN Charles (D. E. Jenkins, Thomas Charles, I, 71; see also a note by him in Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanes y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd, Trevecka Supplement 8, 273). (2) JOHN POWELL (1720 - 1766), Independent minister Religion; Born at Lanelli (Brecknock). A shoemaker in Glyn Ebwy Fawr, he was converted by Edmund Jones (Hist. of Aberystruth, 106), and began to preach. After a while (1748) he went to Carmarthen