Canlyniadau chwilio

121 - 132 of 342 for "composed"

121 - 132 of 342 for "composed"

  • HUW ap RHISIART ap DAFYDD (fl. second half of 16th century) Cefn Llanfair, Llŷn, bard father of the more famous bard Richard Hughes (died 1618). In NLW MS 16B (239) are six englynion composed by the bard when he was imprisoned in London (with other men from Llŷn) in the time of trouble with the earl of Leicester over Forest of Snowdon lands, whilst in N.L.W. Glyn Davies MS. 2 (15) and NLW MS 3048D (203) is an elegy on John Smith, Caernarvon. Other examples (or copies) of his poems
  • HUW ap RHYS WYN (fl. c. 1550), poet , called Bwrdi. A bardic controversy between him and Rhydderch ap Rhisiart is also found. His poems are found in the following manuscripts - Bodewryd MS 2B; Glyn Davies MS. 1; Llanstephan MS 118, Llanstephan MS 125; NLW MS 3056D; NLW MS 832E, NLW MS 9166B. A cywydd of praise to him, composed by Dafydd Alaw, is found in Peniarth MS 63 (132).
  • HUW ARWYSTLI (fl. 1550), poet Little is known of his career. He is believed to have been a native of the parish of Trefeglwys in the cantref of Arwystli, Montgomeryshire, and to have spent most of his life in that area. He composed a considerable 'amount of verse to the landed families of that neighbourhood. For his works, see J. Afan Jones ' Gweithiau Barddonol Huw Arwystli ' (M.A. dissertation, University of Wales, 1926
  • HUW BODWRDA (fl. 1566) Bodwrda,, gentleman, bard, and patron of bards Two cywyddau by him survive in which he engages in mock controversy with Ieuan (Ifan) Dylyniwr, harpist; he also wrote an englyn urging the bards who came to Bodwrda to write to the 'Worthyes' on the partition in the Tŷ Canol at Bodwrda. It is fairly certain that he kept a family bard and a family harpist at his home. From the elegy upon him, composed by Wiliam Llŷn it would appear that he was
  • HUW MACHNO (fl. 1585-1637), poet MS 727D, which contains much of his own poetry. He gave this book to Evan Lloyd of Dulasau, father of Sir Richard Lloyd, 1606 - 1676. Among elegies composed by him are poems on the death of Katherine of Berain, 1591, John Tudur, 1602, bishop William Morgan, 1604, Siôn Phylip, 1620, and Thomas Prys of Plas Iolyn, 1634. He had at least three children, Owain (who died 1619, aged eleven, when his
  • HUW, THOMAS (fl. c. 1574-1606), poet by Robert Elis (Jes. Coll. MS. 16, ii (119)), and religious englynion composed on the earthquake of 1574 (NLW MS 3039B (279)).
  • HUWS, ALUN 'SBARDUN' (1948 - 2014), musician and composer joined a contemporary folk group called Ac Eraill whose other members included Cleif Harpwood, Iestyn Garlick, Tecwyn Ifan and Phil 'Bach' Edwards. When the National Eisteddfod visited Carmarthen in 1974, Alun and the other members of Ac Eraill wrote and composed the first Welsh language rock opera, Nia Ben Aur, which was performed on the Eisteddfod's main stage. When Ac Eraill disbanded in 1974, Alun
  • HYWEL ap DAFYDD ap IEUAN ap RHYS (fl. c. 1450-1480) Raglan, poet (Neath) and members of the Herbert family of Pembroke and Raglan. It appears from one of the two bardic controversies between him and Guto'r Glyn that he was family poet at Raglan. Other ymrysonau were composed between Bedo Brwynllys and Hywel, and also between Gruffudd ap Dafydd Fychan, Llywelyn Goch y Dant and Hywel. According to Edward Jones (apparently on the authority of Rhys Cain) he was an M.A
  • HYWEL BANGOR (fl. 1540), an itinerant bard He may have been the person described as Huw Bangor (fl. 1560-1600) in The Cambrian Biography. Some eighteen englynion by Hywel Bangor have survived, and these identify him with Maelor, so that he probably took his bardic name from Bangor Iscoed (Bangor on Dee). He composed a series of englynion on the change of sheriffs for Flintshire in 1540. The date 1577 is entered against one of his
  • HYWEL FOEL ap GRIFFRI ap PWYLL GWYDDEL (fl. c. 1240-1300), poet His only remaining work consists of the two awdlau in praise of Owain (Goch) ap Gruffydd, and composed during Owain's long imprisonment by his brother, prince Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. No details of his life are known.
  • IEUAN ap GRUFFUDD LEIAF (fl. latter half of 15th century), poet while journeying to Penrhyn, and a short bardic controversy, or ymryson, composed between Guto'r Glyn and himself. (Gwaith Guto'r Glyn, 17, and Peniarth MS 99 (624)). Poetry written by his father, his son Syr Siôn Leiaf, and also by RHOBERT LEIAF (probably his son or uncle) is also found in manuscript.
  • IEUAN BRECHFA (c.1430 - 1500), poet and genealogist , Peniarth MS 140, Peniarth MS 176 (v. R.W.M.). An historical work, or 'Brut,' is attributed to him in The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales Iorwerth Fynglwyd composed a series of englynion to him.