Canlyniadau chwilio

1597 - 1608 of 1926 for "david lloyd george"

1597 - 1608 of 1926 for "david lloyd george"

  • RUCK, AMY ROBERTA (1878 - 1978), novelist illustrations to magazines such as The Idler, supplementing her income with German-English translation work. Soon, however, she discovered a facility for fiction writing and from 1905 her short stories and serials began to appear in Home Chat and other periodicals. In 1909 she married the novelist George Oliver Onions (1873-1961), whom she had first met in London in 1902; he changed his name to George Oliver
  • RUMSEY, WALTER (1584 - 1660), judge Born at Llanover, Monmouthshire, in 1584, son of John Rumsey and his wife Anne (David). In 1660 he went up to Gloucester Hall (now Worcester College), Oxford, and in 1603 to Gray's Inn (of which he became Bencher in 1631); he was called to the Bar in 1608, and had a very lucrative practice. In 1631 he became judge of the south-eastern circuit of the Great Sessions of Wales; he was Member of
  • SALMON, DAVID (1852 - 1944), training college principal
  • teulu SALUSBURY Rug, Bachymbyd, two daughters. The estate was inherited by the elder of the two, MARIA CHARLOTTE (1721 - 1780), who married firstly Thomas Pryce of Gogerddan (died 1745), and secondly, the Rev. John Lloyd. When she died on 26 August 1780 she left Rug by will to Edward William Vaughan, second son of Sir Robert Howel Vaughan of Nannau and Hengwrt (see the article on that family); he died in Sicily in 1807, and the
  • teulu SALUSBURY Lleweni, Bachygraig, latter's eldest surviving son, JOHN SALUSBURY, was made a Knight of the Carpet by Edward VI at his coronation, and married Jane, daughter of David Myddleton of Chester (a member of the Gwenynog family); he was sheriff of Denbighshire in 1542 and in 1575, chamberlain of North Wales, and Member of Parliament for his county 1547-52, in 1553, 1554, and in 1554-5. In the dispute between the earl of Leicester
  • SAMUEL, DAVID (Dewi o Geredigion; 1856 - 1921), schoolmaster and writer
  • SAMUEL, EDWARD (1674 - 1748), cleric, poet, and author November 1702, but exchanged it, 21 January 1721, for that of Llangar, where he remained until his death on 8 April 1748. Two sons became clergymen - EDWARD SAMUEL (1710 - 1762), rector of Llanddulas (1735-47), and his father's immediate successor at Llangar, and WILLIAM SAMUEL (1713 - 1765), rector of Nantglyn, 1743-65, and father of Dr. David Samwell. Edward Samuel wrote some poems in free metre; for
  • SAMUEL, HOWEL WALTER (1881 - 1953), judge and politician recommenced work in Garn-goch pit 3, where David Rhys Grenfell (later a Member of Parliament for Gower) was one of his workmates. He took an interest in socialist activities and was one of the secretaries of Swansea Labour Society. In a Socialist holiday school in Caister-on-sea he met Harriott Sawyer Polkinghorne, a London schoolmistress. They were married in 1911 and she strongly urged him to devote
  • SAMWELL, DAVID (1751 - 1798), naval surgeon and poet
  • SAUNDERS, DAVID (1831 - 1892), Calvinistic Methodist minister, preacher, educationist, and defender of Protestantism Theological College in 1891. His wife was a daughter of John Howell of Pen-coed, Glamorganshire, father of dean David Howell.