Canlyniadau chwilio

205 - 216 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

205 - 216 of 965 for "Gruffydd ap Gwenwynwyn"

  • EINION fab ANARAWD ap GRUFFYDD (bu farw 1163) - gweler ANARAWD ap GRUFFYDD
  • EINION OFFEIRIAD (fl. c. 1320), the person whose name is associated with the earliest Welsh grammar or metrical grammar which we possess that is, a work dealing with the art of metrics and giving an abbreviated version in Welsh of the Latin grammar used in the Middle Ages. He sang an awdl to Rhys ap Gruffydd ap Hywel ap Gruffydd ab Ednyfed Fychan (died 1356); this belongs to the period 1314-22. Thomas Wiliems maintains in NLW MS 3029B that he was a native of Gwynedd and that he compiled the grammar in honour and in praise ('yr
  • EINION WAN (fl. 1230-1245), poet Six sequences of his englynion are extant, two of which are to Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor of Powys Fadog, two to Llywelyn ap Iorwerth (died 1240), and one sequence each to Dafydd (died 1246) and Gruffydd, the sons of Llywelyn. One of the sequences to Madog and one of those to Llywelyn are elegiac, and in each case the other sequence was addressed to the respective princes during their lifetime. The
  • ELEANOR DE MONTFORT (c. 1258 - 1282), princess and diplomat Eleanor was youngest child and the only surviving daughter of Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester (c. 1208-1265) and his wife, Eleanor (1215?-1275), countess of Pembroke and Leicester. Eleanor's brothers were Henry de Montfort, Simon de Montfort, Amaury de Montfort, Guy de Montfort and Richard de Montfort. She was the wife of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (died 1282). It is not known where Eleanor was
  • ELIAS, WILLIAM (1708 - 1787), poet According to David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu Eryri), he hailed from Clynnog - Elias ap Richard of Talhenbont smithy was his father, says J. E. Griffith (Pedigrees). He is said to have started life as a shoemaker, and the list of subscribers to the Diddanwch teuluaidd, 1763, and an occasional note in the manuscripts (e.g. Wynnstay MSS. 7, 105, 131, etc.), confirm this. Later, he became a farmer and land
  • ELIDIR SAIS (fl. end of the 12th century and the first half of the 13th.), a poet Fychan, the tradition mentioned by Sir J. E. Lloyd (A History of Wales, 684) that that statesman had had a military career is borne out. A son of the 'lord' Rhys ap Gruffydd (1132 - 1197) was called Hywel Sais (he died 1204) because he had been forced to live for years in England; and it is not inconceivable that the attitude of Elidir Sais towards Llywelyn the Great had compelled him to do the same
  • ELIS ap SION ap MORYS (fl. 15th century), bard
  • ELIS DRWYNHIR (fl. c. 1600?), poet of whose work only two examples have been found in manuscript, these being two englynion. An anonymous englyn, written to Elis Drwynhir 'when he became a sheriff's bailiff,' has also been found. Blackwell gives a poet, Elis ab Ifan ap Rhicart or Elis ab Ifan Drwynhir, said to have flourished c. 1600. Foulkes (Enw.) gives a poet, Elis ap Ieuan ap Rhisiart or Elis ab Ifan Drwyndwn, said to have
  • ELLICE, ROBERT, Royalist soldier The elder son of Gruffydd Elis ap Risiart of Frondeg, near Bersham, Denbighshire, the family coming originally from Hopedale and claiming descent on the male side (with a bend sinister) from Sandde Hardd, conqueror of Hopedale (c. 1100), and on the female side from the Stanley's of Ewloe. Robert Ellice acquired, possibly from his uncle PETER ELLICE (died 1637) of Wrexham (a learned lawyer and
  • teulu ELLIS Bron y Foel, Ystumllyn, Ynyscynhaearn Evans family of Tan-y-bwlch, Maentwrog; Ieuan, brother of Sir Hywel y Fwyall, was ancestor of the Madryn family. HYWEL AP MEREDYDD, of Bron y Foel, whose wife was Gwenllian, daughter of Gruffydd ap Ednyfed Fychan, had a son, GRUFFYDD AP HYWEL, who, by his wife Angharad, was the father of EINION AP GRUFFYDD, sheriff of Caernarvonshire 1354-6, and Sir Hywel y Fwyall. Einion ap Gruffydd was succeeded by
  • ELLIS, ROBERT (Cynddelw; 1812 - 1875), Baptist minister, preacher, poet, antiquary, and commentator reprint of Barddoniaeth Dafydd ap Gwilym. He also compiled Blodau Arfon (the work of Dewi Wyn) and edited Geiriadur y Bardd. He delighted in lexicography and produced Geiriadur Cymreig Cymraeg, 1868. His poetry - Barddoniaeth Cynddelw - was published under the editorship of Ioan Arfon by H. Humphreys, Caernarvon, in 1877. He was interested in every kind of antiquarian lore, published Manion Hynafiaethol
  • ELLIS, ROWLAND (1650 - 1731), Welsh-American Quaker Born at Bryn Mawr in the parish of Dolgelley, Meironnydd, 1650, son of Ellis ap Rees. He married twice: (1) c. 1692, Margaret, daughter of Ellis Morris, (2) Margaret, daughter of Robert ab Owen. He joined the Society of Friends c. 1672 and because he was steadfast in his new faith he suffered persecution and imprisonment. After the founding of Pennsylvania on Indigenous land, he sent Thomas Owen