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241 - 252 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

241 - 252 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • ELSTAN (or ELYSTAN) GLODRYDD, founder of the fifth of the 'royal tribes' of Wales Henry II; but Einion escaped from custody. In 1163 both brothers rallied to the banner of Owain Gwynedd at Corwen, and later both were homagers of the ' lord ' Rhys ap Gruffydd; both, again, co-operated in the re-establishment of Cwm Hir abbey, 1176. Of Cadwallon's three sons, Maelgwn (who took the cross in 1188) died in 1197; his son Cadwallon died in 1234. Einion Clud had two sons: the elder, EINION
  • EUTUN, OWAIN (fl. c. 15th century), bard A cywydd by him to Siôn ap Roesser of Llanfrynach is preserved in Peniarth MS 55 (154), and there are other poems in Cwrtmawr MS 23B (153) and Cardiff MS. 7 (368-9).
  • EVAN AB EDNYVED AP HOWELL (bu farw 1403) - gweler WYNN
  • EVAN(S), EDWARD (1716 - 1798), Presbyterian minister and poet Born March 1716 (possibly 1717) at Llwydcoed, Aberdare, son of Ifan ap Shôn ap Rhys, a weaver and smallholder. After a few years as a weaver he was apprenticed to carpentry under Lewis Hopkin, who also instructed him in the practice of the strict metres in poetry. In 1749 he took the farm of Ton Coch, above Dyffryn House, Mountain Ash. He had joined (c. 1748) the Nonconformist congregation at Cwm
  • EVAN, EVAN DAFYDD (fl. 1771-9), early Methodist exhorter , Cordwainer' in the will of Morgan Rhys, 1779 - he was one of the executors of the last will of that hymn-writer. The date of his death is not known.
  • EVAN, RHYS (1779 - 1876), poet - gweler EVANS, EDWARD
  • teulu EVANS Tan-y-bwlch, Maentwrog Thomas ap Dafydd ab Ifan ab Einion ab Osbwrn. The wife of his son, EVAN AP ROBERT, was Gwen, daughter of Humphrey ap Maredudd ab Evan ap Robert, Cesail-gyfarch, Caernarfonshire, and it was their son, ROBERT AB EVAN, who first stabilized the surname and became known as ROBERT EVANS. Robert Evans married Elizabeth, daughter of John Wynn ap Cadwaladr, Rhiwlas, Meironnydd, their heir being EVAN EVANS
  • EVANS, Ap Rhys - gweler EVANS, ARISE
  • EVANS, ARISE (fl. 1607-1660), prognosticator
  • EVANS, DANIEL SILVAN (1818 - 1903), cleric, translator, editor, and lexicographer Geiriadur Cymraeg between 1887 and 1896. In the early seventies he gradually became emancipated from William Owen Pughe's ideas through contacts made with several young scholars whose scientific training must have deeply influenced him; among these were John Peter, (Sir) John Rhys, and John Gwenogvryn Evans. Through the good offices of Benjamin Williams (Gwynionydd, 1821 - 1891), incumbent of Llanover