Canlyniadau chwilio

277 - 288 of 342 for "composed"

277 - 288 of 342 for "composed"

  • ROBERTS, JOHN HENRY (Pencerdd Gwynedd; 1848 - 1924), musician taught by Dr. S. S. Wesley, the cathedral organist, and, in 1870, to the Royal Academy of Music, London, where he stayed four years, during which time he composed a symphony, two overtures, a string quartette, sonatas, etc. To this period belongs, also, one of his best part-songs - ' Cwsg, Filwr, Cwsg ' - which was sung with marvellous effect by the choir at the Rhyl national eisteddfod, 1892. After
  • ROBERTS, LEWIS JONES (1866 - 1931), inspector of schools, and musician adjudicator at some national eisteddfodau. For about thirty years he and J. M. Howell, of Aberaeron, collaborated in the production of a Christmas carol for publication in the December numbers of Cymru (O.M.E.), Roberts writing the music to words composed by Howell. He acted as music editor of Cymru and Cymru'r Plant for many years. Carols written by him were published in other journals also, and many were
  • ROBERTS, MORRIS (bu farw c. 1723), poet, and carpenter a native of Tynllidiart, Llanuwchllyn, Meironnydd, who later lived at Bala. He was a Congregationalist. His daughter married John Evans of Bala, Methodist exhorter (1723 - 1817). Examples of his poetry, in strict and free metres, are found in manuscript; they include cywyddau, one on Bala Lake, and another on Judgement Day, and englynion composed to each other by Richard John Jenkin and himself
  • ROBERTS, ROBERT (1840 - 1871), musician 1866 he was appointed sub-organist at Bangor cathedral, subsequently following Hayden as organist, a post which he held for the remainder of his life. He was also a competent player on the piano, the violin, and the 'cello. He composed several pieces of music, among them being ' Y Gwlithyn,' ' Tynnwn ein rhwyfau yn gryf,' and a cantata entitled ' Gwarchae Harlech,' besides several hymn-tunes which
  • ROBERTS, THOMAS OSBORNE (1879 - 1948), musician ') which was chosen as a test-piece at the Colwyn Bay national eisteddfod of 1910. Appointed organist of Castle Square English chapel, Caernarfon, he moved to that town; later he became organist and choirmaster at Moreia (CM) chapel in the same town. About this time he composed the songs ' Y Nefoedd ', ' Pistyll y Llan ', and ' Cymru Lân '. He wrote several hymn-tunes, among them ' Pennant '. His
  • ROBERTS, WILLIAM (fl. 1745), poet and writer of interludes Born in the parish of Llannor, Caernarfonshire. He acted as sexton at Llannor and was on very friendly terms with the vicar, John Owen (1698 - 1755). One of his poems, ' I Ofyn Pen Rhaw,' was published in D. Jones, Blodeu-Gerdd Cymry, and englynion by him are found in Cwrtmawr MS 226B and Cwrtmawr MS 771B in N.L.W. He also composed an interlude attacking the Methodists, Interlude Morgan y Gogrwr
  • ROBERTS, WILLIAM MORGAN (1853 - 1923), musician D. Emlyn Evans, and he became responsible for the music pieces that were issued with that journal. He acted as secretary of the eisteddfodau held at Liverpool, 1884, and Wrexham, 1888. He contributed articles to Y Cerddor and produced Welsh versions of some of the works of the masters. He edited the second supplement to Llyfr Tonau Cynulleidfaol (Ieuan Gwyllt). Hymn-tunes composed by him appeared
  • ROBIN DDU (fl. c. 1450), poet elegy on the death of the seven children of Gruffudd ap Rhys ap Maredudd of Gloddaeth, and his poem addressed to the ship that took him on pilgrimage to Rome in 1450. An elegy on his death was composed by Ifan Môn, one of his disciples.
  • ROWLANDS, JANE HELEN (Helen o Fôn; 1891 - 1955), linguist, teacher and missionary (with the CM) into Bengali, and wrote a biography of the author. She composed two missionary plays, Chumdra Hela and Dydd y pethau bychain. She was friendly with Rabindranath Tagore and R. Kanta Sen and translated some of their poems into Welsh and English (see Y Cenhadwr, February 1930). She died suddenly in Karimganj on 12 February 1955, and her grave is there in front of the chapel. The library of Karimganj
  • SAMUEL, WILLIAM THOMAS (1852 - 1917), musician Parry. He composed hymn-tunes, anthems, and other pieces. His ' Storm the Fort of Sin,' the quartette ' Y Deigryn,' and his two anthems ' Mor hawddgar yw Dy bebyll ' and ' O'r dyfnder y llefais,' became popular. With J. H. Roberts (Pencerdd Gwynedd), he edited Llawlyfr Moliant, the Baptist hymn and tune-book, and produced the Sol-fa version of the collection of hymn-tunes edited by Ellis Roberts (Elis
  • SILS ap SION (fl. end of the 16th century), bard own hand) in Llanover MS. B 6. Most of this work consists of cywyddau to William Evans, died 1589/90, treasurer and chancellor of Llandaff, one of the chief patrons of the bards in Glamorgan in those days. The bard's work is not of a very high standard. The collection includes one extempore englyn which Sils ap Siôn composed when a group of bards met before William Evans and Thomas Lewis of Llandaff
  • SIMWNT FYCHAN (c. 1530 - 1606), poet survive in the manuscripts - of praise, elegy, and love, with others dealing with such subjects as courts of law. Although they give evidence of the felicity that might be expected from one of Gruffudd Hiraethog's pupils they are not of any particular importance. Simwnt Fychan is notable as a man well versed in the bardic traditions. About the year 1570 he compiled a bardic grammar composed of five