Canlyniadau chwilio

289 - 300 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

289 - 300 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • GWALCHMAI ap DAFYDD (fl. 16th century), harpist
  • GWALCHMAI ap MEILYR (fl. 1130-1180), court poet one of the earlier Gogynfeirdd. He sang to Owain Gwynedd (died 1170) to his brothers, to Dafydd and Rhodri his sons, and also to Madog ap Maredudd of Powys (died 1160). Other extant poems of his are his ' Gorhoffedd ' (vaunting poem), his ' Dream,' and his verses to Eve, his wife. The Hendreg. MS. and the 'Red Book of Hergest' also attribute to him an ode to God which according to The Myvyrian
  • GWEIRYDD ap RHYS (fl. c. 1170) - gweler WYNN
  • GWENLLIAN (bu farw 1136) Daughter of Gruffudd ap Cynan, by Angharad, daughter of Owen ap Edwin. She married Gruffydd ap Rhys shortly after 1116, the most famous of her sons being the 'lord' Rhys ap Gruffydd. At the opening of the great Welsh uprising in 1136, she led an attack on the Norman fortress of Kidwelly, in her husband's absence, and was killed fighting outside the town, at a spot still known as Maes Gwenllian.
  • GWENWYNWYN (bu farw 1216), lord of Powys Wenwynwyn, an area very broadly speaking co-extensive with the modern county of Montgomery; this was to distinguish it from the later Denbighshire portion of ancient Powys, or Powys Fadog - so-called after Gwenwynwyn's second cousin, Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor I, who came into sole possession of that region at about this time. Apart from having left a permanent stamp on the nomenclature of central Wales
  • GWERFUL MECHAIN (1462? - 1500), poetess All that is known of her is that she was the daughter of Hywel Fychan of Mechain in Powys, confirmation of which is to be found in a cywydd written by Dafydd Llwyd, who sent Llywelyn ap Gutun to her with an expression of his love. It is known that bits of her poems were still preserved in the memory of country folk as late as the 19th century, for both Ap Vychan and Sir Owen M. Edwards refer to
  • GWGON ap MEURIG (bu farw 871), king of Ceredigion, and the last of the line of Ceredig
  • GWGON BRYDYDD (fl. c. 1240), poet Nothing is known about him, but one example of his work remains, this being an elegy to prince Llywelyn ap Iorwerth - Cwrtmawr MS 454B (554), NLW MS 4973B (47); Peniarth MS 240 (13); The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, 1890, 235.
  • GWILYM ap GRUFFYDD (c. 1370 - 1430) - gweler GRIFFITH
  • GWILYM ap IEUAN HEN (fl. c. 1440-1480), poet No details remain of his life, although many of his poems are found in manuscripts. These include a poem in praise of the Virgin Mary (NLW MS 6681B (381)) and another to the 'Four Daughters of the Trinity' (NLW MS 1578B (71)), love poems (Gwysaney MS. 25 (201); NLW MS 5269B (211)); Wynnstay MS. 6 (170)), others addressed to Gruffudd ap Nicolas of Dynevor (NLW MS 6511B (194b)), Dafydd ap Ieuan ab