Canlyniadau chwilio

349 - 360 of 1135 for "robert roberts"

349 - 360 of 1135 for "robert roberts"

  • HUW, ROLANT (1714 - 1802), poet lived at Graienyn, Llangower, Meironnydd, and was also factor to the neighbouring estates of Fachddeiliog and Rhiwedog. He is an important link in the bardic tradition of Penllyn, for he was an instructor of bards, of whom the best known is Robert William (1744 - 1815) of Pandy in Tre-Rhiwedog. Some of his work has been printed in Beirdd y Bala (correct ' Robert Saunderson ' in the introductory
  • HUW, THOMAS (fl. c. 1574-1606), poet by Robert Elis (Jes. Coll. MS. 16, ii (119)), and religious englynion composed on the earthquake of 1574 (NLW MS 3039B (279)).
  • HUWS, ALUN 'SBARDUN' (1948 - 2014), musician and composer asked to write a song to mark the occasion. 'Cân y Stafell Fyw' was recorded by Bryn Fôn, Elin Fflur, Ynyr Roberts and Côr Eifionydd (Eifionydd Choir). Alun will always be remembered for his mischievous eyes and his unique laugh. He was a kind and very witty man with a memorable sense of humour, and he was instinctively artistic and creative. One of the many stories that abound about Alun involves his
  • HUWS, RHYS JONES (1862 - 1917), Independent minister Born 13 June 1862 at Tal-y-wern Fach, Penegoes, near Machynlleth. His father was the superintendent of the lead-washings at the Dyfngwm and Dylife works; his mother hailed from the line of Eos Morlais (Robert Rees). The family went to live at Llechwedd-du, Dylife, and it was there, in the National school, that he received his early education. When he was about thirteen he embarked on his career
  • HYWEL ap GRUFFYDD ap IORWERTH (fl. c. 1300-1340) According to a story recorded by Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt about 1650, Hywel ap Gruffydd ap Iorwerth was descended from Hwfa ap Cynddelw, founder of one of the so-called 'Fifteen Tribes.' His mother was said to have nursed Edward II after his birth at Caernarvon in 1284; as a result, Hywel enjoyed the favour of the king and was knighted by him. He was a man of great physical strength, able to
  • IESTYN ap GWRGANT (fl. c. 1081-1093), last independent ruler of Glamorgan Iestyn's name. It describes how Iestyn, through his kinsman Einion ap Collwyn, a fugitive in England, secured Robert Fitzhamon's assistance against Rhys ap Tewdwr, whom he slew at Penrhys. Iestyn paid the Normans but refused Einion's promised reward - his daughter in marriage. Einion recalled the departing Normans, who overthrew Iestyn, divided the lowlands amongst themselves, leaving only the hill
  • IEUAN ap ROBERT ap MAREDUDD Cesail Gyfarch (1437 - 1468) - gweler WYNN
  • IEUAN LLWYD SIEFFRAI (fl. c. 1599-1619), poet of Rhûg (see the article on that family), which asserts a close relationship between himself and the poet, englynion of praise to Pirs Griffith of Penrhyn, others welcoming Richard Hughes to Penllyn, a cywydd of thanks to Robert Vaughan of Llwydiarth (see article on that family) for welcoming the poet to his home, another begging a sword from Maredudd ap Huw Lewys for Foulkes Holland, and a few
  • IFOR BACH (fl. 1158), lord of Senghenydd dead of night he removed William, earl of Gloucester, Hawise his wife, and Robert their son to his wooded fastnesses, refusing to release them until William had restored the lands filched from him and had bestowed upon him additional territory by way of compensation. He married Nest, sister says ' Brut y Saeson,' to the 'lord' Rhys. He was succeeded (before 1170) by his son Gruffydd.
  • IFOR HAEL, patron of bards ; Lewis Glyn Cothi in the 15th century believed that Dafydd ap Gwilym had predeceased his patron - 'Aeth Dafydd gwawdydd drwy gwr/I Nefoedd o flaen Ifor.' For a further consideration of the matter consult Williams and Roberts, Cywyddau Dafydd ap Gwilym, 1914, xvii-xx, and for Bassaleg see Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, vii, 277, and see further the article on Dafydd ap Gwilym.
  • INNES, JOHN (1853? - 1923), accountant and antiquary Born at Campbelltown, Argyleshire. His father, Robert Vertue Innes, was appointed collector of the South Wales District of Customs at Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, and played a prominent part in the foundation of a higher grade school in the town c. 1863. Innes was an accountant in the service of Messrs. Nevill Druce at Llanelly. On 9 August 1883, at All Saints church, Llanelly, he married Alice Ann