Canlyniadau chwilio

361 - 372 of 1514 for "david rees"

361 - 372 of 1514 for "david rees"

  • EVANS, EVAN (1804 - 1886), Independent minister and author Born 8 March 1804 at Gelli-llyndu, Llanddewi-brefi, Cardiganshire, the son of David Evans who emigrated to America in 1833. In 1824 he went to Monmouthshire and kept a school at Pontypool, Goytre, and Nant-y-glo. His parents had been members of Daniel Rowland's congregation at Llangeitho and he began to preach with the Calvinistic Methodists in 1825. About 1830 he became a total abstainer and met
  • EVANS, EVAN HERBER (1836 - 1896), Independent minister and college principal Congregational Union of England and Wales, 1892. He was first, last, and above all, a preacher, and was in greater demand as a lecturer and preacher than anybody else in his generation. As a lecturer, he was in the line of Gwilym Hiraethog (William Rees, 1802 - 1883). His lectures were models of pure oratory, his sermons, of consecrated eloquence. He was appointed one of the joint editors of Y Dysgedydd in
  • EVANS, EVAN JENKIN (1882 - 1944), physicist and university professor Born 20 May 1882 at Llanelli, son of David and Mary Evans. He received his early education at the county school, proceeding afterwards to the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, where he graduated in 1902. He then went to the Royal College of Science, South Kensington, London where in 1906 he took the Associateship. He remained in South Kensington, becoming demonstrator first in
  • EVANS, EVAN KERI (1860 - 1941), minister (Congl.) offered the principalship of the Memorial College at Brecon but he declined the offer. After the climax of the revival had passed, his brilliant literary talent reasserted itself and he published three biographies, that of his brother David Emlyn Evans in 1919, Joseph Parry in 1921, and David Adams in 1924. In 1938 his remarkable book Fy mhererindod ysbrydol appeared. An English translation, My
  • EVANS, EVAN WILLIAM (1860 - 1925), editor and publisher Born 7 October 1860 at Cae Einion, Dolgelley, son of David Evans and Jane (Roberts). He was educated at Dolgelley grammar school and then went to serve in the Herald office at Caernarvon. He returned a little later to Dolgelley, and having acquired the printing office where Y Goleuad was printed (the place of printing having been changed from Caernarvon to Dolgelley), he arranged with the Goleuad
  • EVANS, GEORGE EWART (1909 - 1988), writer and oral historian Evans ' publishers Faber and Faber, and his son-in-law, the water colourist and illustrator David Gentleman (born 1930), edited and illustrated an anthology of Evans ' writings on oral history, The Crooked Scythe, in 1993.
  • EVANS, GEORGE EYRE (1857 - 1939), Unitarian minister and antiquary Son of David Lewis Evans. Born 8 September 1857 at Colyton, Devon. He was educated at a school kept by William Thomas (Gwilym Marles, 1834 - 1879) and at a school in Liverpool. For some years he was minister of the Church of the Saviour at Whitchurch, Salop, and later devoted many years of his life without pay to the service of the Unitarian chapel at Aberystwyth. But he was, above all, an
  • EVANS, HAROLD MEURIG (1911 - 2010), teacher, lexicographer -Fan Care Home in Betws, near Ammanford. His mind was as alert and his voice as strong as ever and his memory was amazing. He was ill for the short period of a week before his death at Glangwili Hospital, Carmarthen on 2 December 2010. He was buried at Rhydgoch Cemetry, Pontarddulais on the 9 December following a service at the Chapel of Rest at Blaenau where the Reverend Lyn Rees paid him a
  • EVANS, HENRY (fl. 1787-1839), Arminian Baptist minister appears in Titus Lewis's list, 1810, printed by David Peter in his Hanes Crefydd yng Nghymru. However, on 5 December 1792 Evans was ordained pastor of Craig-y-fargod General Baptist church (see under Charles Winter), by David Saunders I of Aberduar and Morgan John Rhys (Rippon, Baptist Register, i, 523) - a renewal of contact between that church and the Baptists. Evans signs the minutes of the General
  • EVANS, HORACE (1st. BARON EVANS of MERTHYR TYDFIL), (1903 - 1963), physician Born in Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, 1 January 1903, the elder son of Harry Evans and his wife Edith Gwendolen (née Rees). Soon after his birth they moved to Dowlais, where his grandfather was a pharmacist, and later to Liverpool. He was educated at Liverpool College and after his father's early death in 1914 he went to the Guildhall School of Music for four years and to the City of London
  • EVANS, HUGH (1712 - 1781), Baptist minister and Academy tutor , became pastor at Pentre (Llanafan-fawr, Brecknock) and died 12 April 1739; two of Caleb's sons will be noticed. HUGH EVANS (1712 - 1781), Baptist minister and Academy tutor Religion Education Hugh Evans, born in 1712, was educated under David Price at Llwyn-llwyd Academy near Hay. He then went to live with an aunt at Bristol, where he received baptism and was in 7 February 1740 chosen coadjutor to
  • EVANS, HUGH (1854 - 1934), author and publisher , 1948; Y Tylwyth Teg, published posthumously in 1935; and several illustrated books on religious subjects for children. He married Jane, daughter of David and Sarah Williams, Pant-y-clai, Cynwyd, Meironnydd. He died at Pen-y-bryn, Cynwyd, Corwen, 30 June 1934, and was buried at Longmoor Lane, Kirkdale, Liverpool.