Canlyniadau chwilio

409 - 420 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

409 - 420 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • IEUAN ap RHYDDERCH ap IEUAN LLWYD (fl. 1430-1470), gentleman and poet Son of Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd of Rhydderch Park, in the parish of Lanbadarn Odyn, a wealthy landowner who held office under the Crown in 1387. According to Dwnn, i, 28, the mother of ' Ieuan ap Rhydderch ab Ieuan Llwyd y prydydd ' was Annes, daughter of Gwilym ap Philip ab Elidir. But Dwnn, i, 45, 85, states that Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd married twice, (1) ' Marged ferch Gruffydd Gryg ap Ieuan
  • IEUAN ap RHYS ap LLYWELYN (fl. beginning of 16th century), poet At least two examples of his work are preserved in manuscripts, these being a poem written, apparently, on an outbreak of smallpox, and another addressed to Sir Rhys ap Thomas of Dynevor.
  • IEUAN ap ROBERT ap MAREDUDD Cesail Gyfarch (1437 - 1468) - gweler WYNN
  • IEUAN (IFAN) ap SION (fl. c. 1612-1636), poet Some examples of his work remain in manuscript; they include an elegy to Tomas Llwyd ap Rhobert of Penllyn (Llanstephan MS 133 (292)), a begging poem to Master William Wyn of Gwydir (Cardiff MS. 83 (485)), and englynion, including some on Llanrwst bridge (NLW MS 3049D (449, 507))
  • IEUAN ap TUDUR PENLLYN (fl. c. 1480), poet
  • IEUAN DDU ap DAFYDD ab OWAIN (fl. c. 1440-1480), poet Nothing is known about him, and no proof exists for connecting him, as Iolo Morganwg does, with Ieuan Ddu, ancestor of the family of Dyffryn, Aberdare. A number of cywyddau are attributed to him in manuscript, but the only certain example of his work appears to be the cywydd to Ieuan Gethin ap Ieuan ap Lleision.
  • IEUAN DEULWYN (fl. c. 1460), poet Llwyd ap Gwilym of Castell Hywel, Llywelyn ap Dafydd ab Einion of Llanllawddog, and his family, Siôn ap Dafydd of Llys Newydd, and John Lewys and his father of Prysaddfed in Anglesey. He composed religious and love poetry, and also one poem of controversy, or ymryson, addressed to Bedo Brwynllys; Ieuan was himself a keen Yorkist, and he accused Bedo of being hypocritical in this matter. An elegy
  • IEUAN (IFAN) DYLYNIWR (fl. 1520-1567), harpist and bard He was, possibly, a native of Aberdaron, Caernarfonshire; references in the course of the bardic controversy between him and Huw ap Richard ap Siôn ap Madog of Bodwrdda, Aberdaron, seem to suggest this. Like most of the bards of his period he visited the larger houses, e.g. Penrhyn in the parish of Llandygái and Raglan in Monmouth, on his bardic itineraries. An elegy upon him was written by
  • IEUAN FYCHAN ap IEUAN ab ADDA (bu farw c. 1458), poet Chirk (with Nanheudwy), and he also fought in France. He was succeeded at Mostyn c. 1457 or 1458 by his son Howel ap Ieuan, father of Richard ap Howel. Ieuan Fychan was a contemporary of the bards Guto'r Glyn and Maredudd ap Rhys, with the latter of whom he had a bardic controversy. For translations of some poems written by or to him see the History mentioned above.
  • IEUAN GETHIN ap IEUAN ap LLEISION (fl. c. 1450) Baglan, poet and gentleman A descendant of the family of Caradog ap Iestyn ap Gwrgant. According to some genealogists (e.g. Gruffudd Hiraethog in Peniarth MS 178, i (43)) he married the daughter of Tomas ab Ifor Hael. Bards from North and South Wales were entertained at his court at Baglan, and two cywyddau addressed to him remain in manuscript, one by Ieuan Ddu ap Dafydd ab Owain, and the other by Iorwerth Fynglwyd. A
  • IEUAN GYFANNEDD (fl. 1450-60), poet Details concerning his life are unknown, but one example of his work has been found in NLW MS 728D (113), this being a cywydd in praise of his patrons Phylip ap Rhys of Cenarth in the parish of St. Harmon, Radnorshire, and his wife Gwenllian, daughter of Owain Glyn Dwr.