Canlyniadau chwilio

481 - 492 of 1665 for "jones"

481 - 492 of 1665 for "jones"

  • JOHN, MARY HANNAH (1874 - 1962), singer and revivalist do.' In January 1905 May John was working in North Wales with the young Calvinistic Methodist minister W. Llewelyn Lloyd. She then worked in Bristol with John Cynddylan Jones, where they shared responsibility for leading meetings in the Broadmead Wesleyan Chapel. She also worked there with Thomas 'Awstin' Davies, the well-known Revival reporter. By May 1905, May John was part of a large group of
  • JOHN, WALTER PHILLIPS (1910 - 1967), minister (B) 1967. In 1940 he married married Nansi, only child of Morgan A. Jones, minister (B) at Whitland, Carmarthenshire, and grand-daughter of Daniel Jones, his predecessor. Walter P. John achieved prominence early in his career as a cultured preacher, whose services were in great demand in his own and other denominations in England and Wales. He also mastered the art of broadcasting, and was the first
  • JOHNS, DAVID (1796 - 1843), one of the London Missionary Society missionaries in Madagascar Son of John Jones of Llain, Llanina, Cardiganshire. He was a member of the Independent church at Penrhiwgaled. After being trained at Neuadd-lwyd Academy, Newtown Academy, and at Gosport, he was ordained to the mission field, 16 February 1826. He married Mary, daughter of William Thomas (1749 - 1809), Independent minister at Bala. He took out to Madagascar a printing press and spinning-jenny and
  • JOHNS, DAVID (fl. 1569-1586), cleric and poet period, e.g. that of Siôn Dafydd Rhys to the grammar he published in 1592. The voluminous notes in the manuscript are also important. Two of his prose translations from Latin are to be found in Peniarth MS 159 under the titles 'Gweddi Saint Awgwstin' and 'Dengran gwahaniaeth kristnogion y byd.' Some writers have confused him with 'Syr' Thomas Jones.
  • teulu JONES, smiths, poets, musicians and preachers Cilie, They farmed Cilie, a farm of over 300 acres above the sea between Llangrannog and New Quay, Cardiganshire. Jeremiah Jones, the father (9 April 1855 - 19 February 1902) was a smith from a family of smiths in northern Pembrokeshire, a family which had, according to tradition, a close relationship to the poets of Cwmdu, near Newcastle Emlyn (see Siencyn Thomas, and John Jenkin). Jeremiah and his
  • teulu JONES Llwyn-rhys, This family was closely associated with early Nonconformity in mid-Cardiganshire. Llwynrhys was a cruck-framed long-house built in the 15th century in the parish of Llanbadarn Odwyn (Peate, Welsh House, 78-9). The house was licensed, as that of JOHN JONES, for Morgan Howell to preach there, 28 October 1672 (Richards, Wales under the Indulgence, 156); and about the same time an additional room was
  • JONES, Castellmarch - gweler JONES, Sir WILLIAM
  • JONES, Syr THOMAS (bu farw 1622?), cleric and poet The older biographical dictionaries have wrongly associated him with Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd - perhaps confusing him with David Johns, who was vicar of that parish in 1573 and until c. 1598 - no other Johns or Jones appears in D.R. Thomas's list (A History of the Diocese of St. Asaph, ii, 100) of Llanfair D.C. incumbents during the relevant period. Every allusion to the cleric who is the subject
  • JONES, ABEL (Bardd Crwst; 1830 - 1901), ballad writer and strolling ballad singer Born at Llanrwst, son of Abel Jones, 'carrier,' and of his wife Jane - both died, aged 74, in 1876; his brother William (died 1893) was also a 'character.' Abel was a one-eyed man; there is a portrait of him in Cymru (O.M.E.), xxvii, 173 and in Cerddi Cymru (n.d.), vol. i. He is known to have been singing at least as early as 1864, and Elfyn (R.O. Hughes) heard him singing at Abergele in the
  • JONES, ABRAHAM, printer - gweler JONES, RICHARD
  • JONES, ALAN TREVOR (1901 - 1979), health service administrator and Provost, Welsh National School of Medicine Trevor Jones was born in Pengam, Glamorgan 24 February 1901 and educated at Lewis School, Pengam where his father, Roger Williams Jones, was headmaster. He undertook his preclinical medical training at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire. However, in 1921, rather than pursue his clinical training in Cardiff in order to obtain the medical degrees of the University of Wales - as
  • JONES, ALFRED ERNEST (1879 - 1958), psychoanalyst and Sigmund Freud's official biographer Born 1st January, 1879, in Gowerton, near Swansea, Glamorganshire, the son of Thomas and Mary Ann Jones. He was removed from the local school to schools in Swansea, and from there he won a scholarship to Llandovery College. Subsequently, he became a student at University College, Cardiff, and University College, London, and while he was there, in 1900, he gained the diplomas of the Conjoint Board