Canlyniadau chwilio

493 - 504 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

493 - 504 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • IEUAN LLWYD SIEFFRAI (fl. c. 1599-1619), poet of Rhûg (see the article on that family), which asserts a close relationship between himself and the poet, englynion of praise to Pirs Griffith of Penrhyn, others welcoming Richard Hughes to Penllyn, a cywydd of thanks to Robert Vaughan of Llwydiarth (see article on that family) for welcoming the poet to his home, another begging a sword from Maredudd ap Huw Lewys for Foulkes Holland, and a few
  • IEUAN RHAEADR, poet A native apparently of Rhayader, Radnorshire. Some of his work remains in manuscript; this includes three love cywyddau, cywyddau in praise of Siancyn ap Siôn ap Ieuan Fychan and Richard Herbert, and another seeking the freedom of Rhys Fychan of Builth when he was imprisoned at Gloucester.
  • IEUAN RUDD (fl. 1470), a Glamorgan bard who sang in the second half of the 15th century. Two cywyddau by him survive, the one upon the marriage-feast of Sir Rhys ap Thomas and Sioned (Janet), daughter of Thomas Mathew of Radyr, Glamorganshire, and the other to the 'paderau main crisial' (the crystal paternosters). There is a reference to him in a cywydd which Llywelyn Goch y Dant wrote c. 1470 to invite Hywel ap Dafydd ap Ieuan ap Rhys
  • IFAN ap SION - gweler IEUAN ap SION
  • IFOR ap CADIFOR - gweler IFOR BACH
  • IFOR BACH (fl. 1158), lord of Senghenydd a 'dependant barony' of the lordship of Glamorgan and the hilly district bounded by Brecknock on the north, Cefn Onn ridge on the south, the river Taff on the west and the river Rhymney on the east. In 1158 he attacked and slew Morgan ab Owain of Gwynllwg and Caerleon, together with 'the best poet,' Gwrgant ap Rhys. He is noteworthy also for his attack on Cardiff castle the same year, when at
  • IFOR HAEL, patron of bards This is the name given by Dafydd ap Gwilym to his chief patron, Ifor ap Llywelyn, Bassaleg, Monmouth. Although we are accustomed to calling it in Welsh 'Maesaleg' there are definite proofs that the name was 'Bassalec' or 'Basselec' in the 12th century (see the 'Book of Llandaff') and earlier the lineage of Ifor is given in Peniarth MS 133 (R., i, 833) (180), 'tredegyr ymassalec' (Tredegar in
  • INCO BRYDYDD (fl. c. 1480), poet It is said that he was the son of Robin ab Inco, and foster-brother to Ieuan ap Maredudd of Cesail Gyfarch, Caernarfonshire One cywydd of his, in praise of Hywel ap Madog ap Ieuan ab Einion of Abercain and Plas Hen in the parish of Llanystumdwy, is found in Cwrtmawr MS 454B (120) and NLW MS 9166B (22).
  • IOAN ap IAGO - gweler JAMES, JOHN
  • IOAN ap IOAN - gweler WILLIAMS, JOHN