Canlyniadau chwilio

49 - 60 of 1430 for "family"

49 - 60 of 1430 for "family"

  • BLAYNEY, THOMAS (1785), harpist seat of lord Powis; in 1829 he became family harpist to the household of lord Powis but died shortly afterwards, although the exact year of his death has not been ascertained. His brother, ARTHUR BLAYNEY, became well-known as a violinist.
  • BLIGH, STANLEY PRICE MORGAN (1870 - 1949), landowner and author Born 15 February 1870 in Brecon, only son of Oliver Morgan Bligh and his wife Ellen (née Edwards) of Clifton. The first Bligh to inherit the estate of the Price family of Cilmeri near Builth was Thomas Price Bligh : he was succeeded by his brother, Oliver Morgan Bligh, who previously kept a draper's shop in Clifton. They were a branch of the Blighs of Cornwall whose most distinguished member was
  • teulu BODVEL Bodvel, Caerfryn, of him. ROBERT GWYNNE (fl. 1578) He was probably of the same family, but no record of his origins has as yet come to light. CHARLES GWYNNE, alias Bodvel or Bodwell, alias Browne (1582 - 1647), Jesuit missioner Religion The son of Thomas Wynn of Boduan, Pwllheli (younger son of John Wyn ap Hugh of Bodvel) and of Elizabeth, daughter of Owen ap Gruffydd of Plas Du and sister of Hugh Owen. He was
  • teulu BODWRDA Bodwrda, An old Caernarvonshire family, descended from Trahaearn Goch, lord of Cymydmaen. The surname was adopted by HUGH GWYN, sheriff of Caernarvonshire, 1605 (son of John Wyn, sheriff 1584). Of his twelve children, the eldest, JOHN BODWRDA (died 1648?), was sheriff in 1629, and may have been the John Bodwrda 'secured' by the then sheriff (Sir T. Cheadle) for supposed Roundhead sympathies on the
  • BOLD, HUGH (1731 - 1809), lawyer ). John Wesley wrote of him: 'I know no attorney to be depended on like him'; and the Moravian Benjamin La Trobe speaks of him with great respect. He married twice. His first wife, Elizabeth, died 31 October 1781; and from this marriage the later Bolds of the shire are descended - see the history of the family by David Verey in Brycheiniog, 1960. He married, c. 1782, Dorothy, daughter of his old master
  • BONARJEE, DOROTHY NOEL (1894 - 1983), poet and lawyer Dorothy Bonarjee was born in Bareilly, India, in 1894, the middle child of Debendranath Bonarjee, journalist and lawyer, and Janet Bonarjee (née Sirkar). The family moved to Dulwich, south London, in 1904 when her father entered Lincoln's Inn. Bonarjee came from a Bengali Brahmin family, who boasted a long-tradition of lawyers. Her mother was the honorary secretary of the Indian Women's Education
  • BOOTH, FLORENCE ELEANOR (1861 - 1957), Salvationist and social reformer follow Christ and learn more about the Salvation Army, although neither her aunts nor her father were pleased that she had taken up with the relatively unknown movement, associating with drunkards and others who had led a life of vice. Florence became friendly with the Booth family including their son Bramwell (1856-1929). After making the decision to join the Army, by 1881 she had been promoted to
  • teulu BOSANQUET This family is of Huguenot origin; its founder came to England from Lunel, near Montpellier, in 1685. Success in business led to its establishment at Forest House, on the outskirts of Epping Forest. Its connection with the Welsh border dates from the purchase by SAMUEL BOSANQUET (1744 - 1806), governor of the Bank of England, in 1801 of Dingestow Court, near Monmouth. His son, SAMUEL (1768 - 1843
  • BOSSE-GRIFFITHS, KATE (1910 - 1998), Egyptologist and author the Egypt Centre in the new Taliesin building of Swansea University. It opened in September 1998. A volume of collected essays, some of which had been published before, was published in 2004 as Teithiau'r Meddwl (Travels of the Mind). Kate Bosse-Griffiths died in Swansea on 4 April 1998 and is buried at Morriston cemetery. Most of her manuscripts and her diaries remain in the family, but some
  • teulu BOWEN Llwyn-gwair, The members of this family trace their descent up to Gwynfardd Dyfed (c. 1038). The first to adopt the family surname was probably EVAN BOWEN, Pentre Evan. Many members served as high sheriffs; throughout they have played their part in public affairs. JAMES BOWEN, sheriff in 1622, was at Llwyn-gwair when Lewys Dwnn made his 'visitation' of Pembrokeshire in 1591. James married Elenor, daughter of
  • BOWEN, EVAN RODERIC (1913 - 2001), Liberal politician and lawyer Roderic Bowen was born at the Elms, Cardigan on 6 August 1913, the son of Evan Bowen JP and Margaret Ellen Twiss. His father was a retired businessman whose family roots were deeply implanted in the agricultural communities of southern Cardiganshire and north Pembrokeshire. Many of Bowen's forefathers had played a prominent part in local Liberal politics. He was educated at Cardigan Council
  • BOWEN, JOHN (1815 - 1859), bishop of Sierra Leone Son of Capt. Thomas Bowen of the Court, Llanllawer, near Fishguard (Fenton, Pembrokeshire, 1903 edition, 312), was born 21 November 1815. His father's family (originally from Haverfordwest) were landowners living at Leweston in Camrose and at Manorowen. His parents removed from the Court to Stonehall, and then in 1830 to Johnston Hall. In 1847 he inherited Milton, an estate in the parish of Carew