Canlyniadau chwilio

697 - 708 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

697 - 708 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

  • HYWEL HEILIN (fl. 15th c.), poet nothing is known of his life. Some of his work is extant in manuscript, including two love poems and a cywydd in praise of Ieuan Llwyd of Glyn Aeron.
  • HYWEL SWRDWAL (fl. 1430-1460), poet , and a laudatory awdl to William, lord Herbert. In one of the manuscripts there is found at the end of that awdl the Welsh equivalent of ' Hywel Sowrdwal his poem 1450.' If that date is correct it agrees with the other dates, and Dr. John Davies was near the mark when he gave it as his opinion that Hywel flourished between 1430 and 1460. It is said in Y Brython, iii, 137, on the authority of a
  • IEUAN ap GRUFFUDD LEIAF (fl. latter half of 15th century), poet while journeying to Penrhyn, and a short bardic controversy, or ymryson, composed between Guto'r Glyn and himself. (Gwaith Guto'r Glyn, 17, and Peniarth MS 99 (624)). Poetry written by his father, his son Syr Siôn Leiaf, and also by RHOBERT LEIAF (probably his son or uncle) is also found in manuscript.
  • IEUAN ap IEUAN ap MADOG (fl. 1547-1587), scribe contains a collection of Welsh prose texts, including the story of Owen ab Urien, the Seven Sages of Rome, and the story of the rudderless ship ('Y Llong Foel'). He also copied Llanstephan MS 178, an incomplete Welsh version of the English Voyage of the Wandering Knight. Egerton Phillimore dated this manuscript at about 1575, but, as William Goodyear's English version of Jehan de Cartheny's Le Voyage du
  • IEUAN ap MADOG ap DAFYDD (fl. c. 1500), poet details of his life are unknown, but some of his work remains in manuscript. This includes poems in praise of Sir William Griffith of Penrhyn, and John Puleston, an elegy to the poet Syr Dafydd Trefor, a bardic controversy, or ymryson, with Ieuan Dylyniwr, and a satirical poem to Padrig Wyddel (Patrick the Irishman).
  • IEUAN ap RHYDDERCH ap IEUAN LLWYD (fl. 1430-1470), gentleman and poet Vychan ap Ieuan ap Rhys ap Llawdden,' and (2) ' Mawd, daughter of Sir William Clement, lord of Tregaron.' It is difficult to decide whether there were two men called Rhydderch ap Ieuan Llwyd, or whether the poet's father married a third time. Ieuan is usually connected with two districts in Cardiganshire, but the earliest extant manuscripts link him with Genau'r Glyn rather than with the vale of Aeron
  • IEUAN (IFAN) ap SION (fl. c. 1612-1636), poet Some examples of his work remain in manuscript; they include an elegy to Tomas Llwyd ap Rhobert of Penllyn (Llanstephan MS 133 (292)), a begging poem to Master William Wyn of Gwydir (Cardiff MS. 83 (485)), and englynion, including some on Llanrwst bridge (NLW MS 3049D (449, 507))
  • IEUAN ap TUDUR PENLLYN (fl. c. 1480), poet son of the poet Tudur Penllyn of Caer-gai. Much of his work remains in manuscript, and this includes poems written to members of the Abertanad, Mold, Ynys-ymaengwyn, and Gwydir families, another addressed to Dafydd ab Owain, abbot of Strata Marcella, a satire on Flint, and satirical englynion forming part of the bardic controversy, or ymryson, between Guto'r Glyn and Ieuan.
  • IEUAN DEULWYN (fl. c. 1460), poet was a native of Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire. Many examples of his work remain in manuscript, most of them being addressed to a large circle of members of landed families, including William, earl of Pembroke, and his brother Sir Richard Herbert (both of whom were killed in the battle of Banbury in 1469), Sir Richard's young son, Dr. John Morgan, bishop of S. Davids, Wiliam Siôn of Llanegwad, Dafydd
  • IEUAN DU'R BILWG (fl. c. 1470), poet No details concerning his life are known, but three interesting poems by him remain, these being (1) ' Cywydd y Gown Coch ', (2) a begging ' Llyfr y Greal ' (see Cywyddau'r Ychwanegiad, 144) from the abbot of Glyn Nedd, and (3) a cywydd in which the poet seeks the whereabouts of Llywelyn Goch y Dant from a woman winnowing barley.
  • IEUAN FYCHAN ap IEUAN ab ADDA (bu farw c. 1458), poet Chirk (with Nanheudwy), and he also fought in France. He was succeeded at Mostyn c. 1457 or 1458 by his son Howel ap Ieuan, father of Richard ap Howel. Ieuan Fychan was a contemporary of the bards Guto'r Glyn and Maredudd ap Rhys, with the latter of whom he had a bardic controversy. For translations of some poems written by or to him see the History mentioned above.
  • IEUAN GYFANNEDD (fl. 1450-60), poet Details concerning his life are unknown, but one example of his work has been found in NLW MS 728D (113), this being a cywydd in praise of his patrons Phylip ap Rhys of Cenarth in the parish of St. Harmon, Radnorshire, and his wife Gwenllian, daughter of Owain Glyn Dwr.