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697 - 708 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

697 - 708 of 1116 for "maredudd ap rhys"

  • MERRICK, RICE (bu farw 1586-7), landed gentleman, genealogist, and historian He lived at Cottrell in the parish of S. Nicholas in the Vale of Glamorgan. According to his contemporary, Dafydd Benwyn, he was the son of Meurug ap Hywel ap Phylip ap Dafydd ap Phylip Hir, of the line of Caradog Freichfras. He was appointed by the earl of Pembroke as Clerk of the Peace in Glamorgan. He died in 1 March 1586/7 and was buried in Cowbridge church. Two elegies to him were sung, the
  • MEURIG ab IDWAL FOEL (bu farw 986), nobleman of Gwynedd Youngest son of Idwal Foel. Since he died in the same year as his nephew, Cadwallon, king of Gwynedd, he was never apparently king himself. But the lineage of Rhodri Fawr was preserved in Gwynedd through his descendants - see Idwal ap Meurig.
  • MEURUG ab IORWERTH (fl. c. 1320-1370), one of the last of the 'Gogynfeirdd' bards One example of his work is preserved in the ' Red Book of Hergest ' and some other MSS., this being an awdl addressed to Hopcyn ap Tomas of Ynys Dawy (Ynystawe) in Glamorgan.
  • teulu MEYRICK Bodorgan, This family is descended from Cadafael, lord of Cedewain in Powys, but it was in the Tudor period that it first came into prominence. LLEWELYN AP HEILYN fought under Henry Tudor at the battle of Bosworth; his son MEURIG AP LLEWELYN served under Henry VIII, was promoted to be captain of the bodyguard, and was given the Crown Lease of the manor of Aberffraw. Meurig was succeeded at Bodorgan by five
  • MORGAN (fl. 1294), rebel Gilbert de Clare. He has also been described in one contemporary chronicle as Rhys ap Morgan, which suggests some confusion with Rhys, the younger son of Morgan Fychan ap Morgan Gam. Morgan submitted to the king in July 1295, and obtained the royal clemency. His daughter, Angharad, was an ancestress of the Morgan family of Tredegar family. See Morgan ap Hywel for Maredudd.
  • teulu MORGAN Tredegar Park, from Bledri was LLYWELYN AB IFOR, lord of S. Clears and Gwynfe, who married Angharad, the daughter and sole heir of Sir Morgan ap Maredydd, said to be descended from the Welsh lords of Caerleon and, in her right, acquired the estates of Tredegar and Cyfoeth Feredydd. Of this union there were three children, MORGAN of Tredegar and S. Clears, Ifor Hael, the ancestor of the branch of the family at Gwern
  • MORGAN, JOHN (bu farw 1504), clerk of parliament, and bishop employment as chaplain or clerk perhaps both' (A. F. Pollard, Bull. Inst. Hist. Research, xv, 156-8). Alternatively, if an old but not altogether reliable biography of Sir Rhys ap Thomas may be believed, he must have been active in Wales before 1485. This work (Camb. Reg. i, 49-144) seems to suggest that he was responsible, with his brother, for winning over Rhys ap Thomas to Henry's cause (ibid., 84-5, 88
  • MORGAN ap CARADOG ap IESTYN (bu farw c. 1208), lord of the Welsh barony of Avan Wallia (or Nedd-Avan) in the honour of Glamorgan son of Caradog and Gwladus, daughter of Gruffydd ap Rhys ap Tewdwr. Always an unwilling vassal of the Norman lords of Glamorgan, he was closely identified with the policy of his cousin, the 'lord' Rhys, and was probably the leader of the Glamorgan rising of 1183 (?). He was twice married: (1) to Gwenllian, daughter of Ifor Bach; (2) to Gwerful, daughter of Idnerth ap Cadwgan. He had at least four
  • MORGAN ap HUW LEWYS (fl. c. 1550-1600), poet Of Hafod-y-wern in the parish of Llanwnda, Caernarfonshire; son of the chief constable of the commote of Uwch Gwyrfai in 1548 (and not the son of Huw Lewys of Plas-yn-Bont, translator of Perl Mewn Adfyd, as some people have thought). Apparently Tryfan and its surrounds were the homes of Huw ap Lewys and his children, and it was probably through marriage that Morgan became resident at Hafod-y-Wern
  • MORGAN ap HYWEL (fl. 1210-1248), Welsh lord of Gwynllwg or Caerleon under the earls of Gloucester (lords of Glamorgan), a descendant of Rhydderch ap Iestyn ap Gwrgant. It may be useful to enter under his name a note on his family, compiled from Lloyd, A History of Wales (see the genealogy on p. 771 of that work). Caradog ap Gruffudd, grandson of Rhydderch ap Iestyn, was killed in the battle of Mynydd Cam (1081). By 1140 we hear of Caradog's son, OWAIN AP CARADOG
  • MORGAN FYCHAN (bu farw 1288), lord of the Welsh barony of Avan Wallia (or Nedd-Afan) in the honour of Glamorgan . Sometime after 1350, Avan passed into the hands of the chief-lord, probably as a result of an exchange of lands effected by Jane, daughter and heiress of Thomas, and wife of William Blount. The younger son of Morgan Fychan, Rhys, who succeeded to his father's lands in Baglan, was, however, the ancestor of several well-known Glamorganshire families including the Mackworth family and the Williams family of