Canlyniadau chwilio

805 - 816 of 941 for "Edmund Evans"

805 - 816 of 941 for "Edmund Evans"

  • SIMMONS, JOSEPH (1694? - 1774), Independent minister, and schoolmaster Samuel Jones (fl. 1715-64) at Pen-twyn, whose orthodoxy was dubious. Simmons sent his own son to Abergavenny Calvinistic Academy, and Edmund Jones was present at the young man's ordination; but the ' Old Prophet ' was deeply vexed (diary of 1789) when Joseph Simmons took part in the ordination of the 'heretical' Edward Evans at Aberdare. In 1750, Simmons removed his dwelling from Hendreforgan to
  • SIMON, BEN (c. 1703 - 1793), dissenter and copyist the group of copyists greatly influenced by Iaco ab Dewi. His most celebrated manuscript, 'Tlysau'r Beirdd' (NLW MS 5474A) was written between 1747 and 1751, and his well-known collection of Dafydd ap Gwilym's works (NLW MS 5475A) in 1754. Some of his other manuscripts are in the Cardiff City Library and at Oxford. His books and manuscripts were bought by Thomas Evans (Tomos Glyn Cothi) in 1790, and
  • SIMWNT FYCHAN (c. 1530 - 1606), poet Martial on 'the happy life' with a Welsh translation in cywydd metre by Simwnt Fychan. This translation was made at the behest of his patron, Simon Thelwall, Plas-y-ward, Ruthin. He was buried, 13 April 1606, at Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd; elegies on him were composed by Siôn Phylip, Edwart ap Raff, and Thomas Evans of Hendre Forfudd
  • SION DAFYDD ap SIENCYN, poet A poet of this name flourished in the time of Edmund Prys (1544 - 1623). Poems attributed to him are found in Esgair MS. 26; Brogyntyn MS. 2; Cwrtmawr MS 11B, Cwrtmawr MS 27E, Cwrtmawr MS 70D, Cwrtmawr MS 129B; NLW MS 2692B; NLW MS 3047C; Peniarth MS 239; Llanstephan MS 156; Cardiff MSS. 19, 48, 64, 66; Jes. Coll. MS. 17; and B.M. Add. MS. 12230.
  • SION TREFOR, poet Poems attributed to Siôn Trefor are found in Gwysaney MS. 25; Llanstephan MS 11; Peniarth MS 84, Peniarth MS 86, Peniarth MS 313; NLW MS 1553A, NLW MS 6471B; and to Sir Siôn Trefor in Jes. Coll. MS. 15. An englyn to Sir Hugh, earl of Worcester, composed by Sir John Trefor and Edmund Prys, appears in NLW MS 11993A.
  • SKENE, WILLIAM FORBES (1809 - 1892), Scottish historian and Celtic scholar Born 7 June 1809 at Irvine, Inverness-shire, and died 29 August 1892 in Edinburgh. In 1868 he published The Four Ancient Books of Wales, containing Welsh verse from ' The Book of Aneirin ', ' The Book of Taliesin ', ' The Black Book of Carmarthen ', and part of ' The Red Book of Hergest '; the verse was translated for him by D. Silvan Evans and Robert Williams. This work was an attempt at
  • SNELL, DAVID JOHN (1880 - 1957), music publisher , and he offered eisteddfod prizes to committees which chose his publications as test pieces. He republished popular works like ' Myfanwy ' (Joseph Parry) and ' Yr hen gerddor ' (David Pugh Evans), but he also published new pieces of high standard, including ' Bugail Aberdyfi ' (Idris Lewis), ' Paradwys y bardd ' (W. Bradwen Jones; see Jones, William Arthur above) and Saith o ganeuon and ' Berwyn ' (D
  • teulu SPURRELL, printers King Street, Carmarthen. On 27 July 1835 he went to London to work for Bradbury and Evans, printers and publishers. He returned to Carmarthen in 26 August 1840 and opened his own printing works in Spurrell Court before the end of that year and in King Street in 1841. Thenceforward he was busy printing and publishing, and establishing a high reputation as a printer. Some substantial works issued from
  • STENNETT, STANLEY LLEWELLYN (1925 - 2013), musician, comedian, actor . Eventually he found himself in the Combined Services Entertainment Unit, and this was his crucible. After demob, Stennett played in a number of bands, going on the variety circuit full time. He also joined the cast of Welsh Rarebit, with other regulars such as Sir Harry Secombe, Wyn Calvin, Eynon Evans, Gladys Morgan and Maudie Edwards. He married Elizabeth Rogers in 1948, and they had two sons, Roger (b
  • STEPHEN, DAVID RHYS (Gwyddonwyson; 1807 - 1852), Baptist minister and author , Llanelly); (3) Cofiant … John Williams, gweinidog y Bedyddwyr yn Nhrosnant, Pontypwl, 1841 (with W. Jones (Bleddyn) and David D. Evans; (4) On the True Church of Jesus Christ: an essay, 1842; (5) Luther, Milton, and Pascal: three lectures, 1845; (6) Memoirs of Christmas Evans, 1847; and (7) Pwka'r Trwyn, the celebrated Mynyddyslwyn Sprite, 1851. An advertised work by him in 1851 entitled 'A Lecture on
  • STEPHEN, ROBERT (1878 - 1966), schoolmaster, historian and poet captain from Borth-y-Gest. They had three children, (2) in Caxton Hall, London, on 8 January 1942, to Mary Elizabeth Owen, widow of Captain Ralph D. Owen, army officer, and daughter of Edmund and Elizabeth Thomas, Gelli Haf, Maesycwmmer. The Gelli Haf family was very famous in Monmouthshire, and connected in some way with the family of William Thomas ('Islwyn'). After his second marriage, he began to
  • STEPHEN, THOMAS (1856 - 1906), musician Born 24 February 1856 at Brynaman, Glamorganshire. His parents moved to Aberdare when he was a child and it was there, in Ysgol y Comin, that he went to school. He joined the Aberdare Choral Society then under the conductorship of G. Rhys Jones (Caradog), and when the latter gave up the conductorship and was succeeded by Rhys Evans, Stephen became assistant conductor. In 1877 he became precentor