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889 - 900 of 1172 for "henry morgan"

889 - 900 of 1172 for "henry morgan"

  • RHYS BRYCHAN (fl. c. 1500), poet Twenty-seven of his poems are preserved in manuscript. Among them are an awdl and an elegy to Rosser Fychan of Talgarth, a laudatory poem to Lewis ap Risiart Gwyn of Fan, and poems to Einion Fychan of Tywyn, Watkin Fychan of Treffylip, Sir Morgan ap Sir Siôn Farchog of Tredeigr, William Herbert, and others. Most of his work is found in the following manuscripts: NLW MS 970E (177, 184), NLW MS
  • RHYS NANMOR (fl. 1480-1513), poet ap Thomas, and wrote in his honour between 1485 and 1513. There is no evidence of any composition of his after 1513. He wrote an elegy on prince Arthur, the eldest son of Henry VII, in 1502, and an awdl to welcome Henry VIII to the throne in 1509. Lewis Môn (died 1527) wrote an elegy on him. It is said that Rhys Nanmor lived at Maenor Fynyw, that is, S. Davids. There is no record of his living in
  • RHŶS, ELIZABETH (1841 - 1911), teacher, hostess and campaigner for women's rights ) and the philologist Paul Meyer (1840-1917); the Assyriologist Archibald Henry Sayce (1845-1933); the theologian Edwin Hatch (1835-1889); and progressive women such as Welsh doctor Frances Hoggan (1843-1927); the Patagonian author Eluned Morgan (1870-1938); and Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick (1845-1936), principal of Newnham College, Cambridge, from 1892. Throughout her busy life as the wife of a figure
  • RHYS, HYWEL (1715? - 1799), poet and Catherine Morgan recorded in Vaynor parish register on 1 January 1741/2. Four poems - ' Cân y Daear Fochyn,' ' Can yn cynnwys achwyniad y bardd am gydmares,' ' Can yr Hwsmon,' ' Can a gyfansoddwyd yn amser yr hynod ormeswr Morgan Siencyn Dafydd,' are attributed to him. The date of his death is given variously as June 1799 and July 1802. Vaynor parish register records the burial of a Howel Rees
  • RHYS, MORGAN (1716 - 1779), circulating schoolmaster, and hymn-writer , Carmarthen, 1775). He also published a number of elegies: Marw-Nad: … Lewis Lewis … Llanddeiniol (which includes some hymns), 1764; Marwnad … rhai o Weinidogion ffyddlon yr Efengyl (Howell Davies, William Richard, and Siôn Parry), 1770; and Hanes Byr o Fywyd … Morgan Nathan, yn Llandilo-fawr (including hymns by Morgan Rhys and M. Nathan), 1775. His hymns are characterized by profound spiritual experience
  • RHYS, MORGAN JOHN (Morgan ab Ioan Rhus; 1760 - 1804), Baptist minister, author, and American settler
  • RHYS, WILLIAM JOSEPH (1880 - 1967), minister (B) and author Born 12 February 1880, son of Thomas and Esther Rees, Pen-y-bryn, LlangyfelachLlangyfelach, Glamorganshire. He and his two brothers - M.T. Rees, Meinciau and D.H. Rees, Llandudno Junction - became ministers. His father was related to Morgan Rees who had been instrumental in establishing Salem Church, Llangyfelach in 1777, whilst his mother was of the lineage of Moses Williams, Llandyfân. On
  • teulu RICE Newton, Dynevor, Pembrokeshire in 1594 (rental £47 19s. 9½d.), and his marriage to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Edward Mansell of Margam, probably gave him the influential support of his brother-in-law, admiral Sir Robert Mansell. Lewys Dwnn, whose pedigree of the family was signed by Walter Rice, described him as 'one of James I pensioners.' He was knighted in 1603. In the next generation, HENRY RICE (c. 1590 - c. 1651
  • RICHARD, EBENEZER (1781 - 1837), Calvinistic Methodist minister Born 5 December 1781 at Tre-fin, Pembrokeshire, son of HENRY RICHARD (1730 - 1813) and Hannah, his second wife. The father had been a circulating schoolmaster and a Methodist preacher for sixty years. The son had also been a schoolmaster at Brynhenllan where, in 1801, he experienced a powerful conviction of sin; he began to preach in 1802, about the same time as his brother, Thomas Richard. In
  • RICHARD, HENRY (1812 - 1888), politician
  • RICHARD, THOMAS (1783 - 1856), Calvinistic Methodist minister Born 11 February 1783 at Tre-fin, Pembrokeshire, son of Henry and Hannah Richard. Ebenezer Richard was his brother. His religious convictions grew upon him while he was still young, and he joined the society at Tre-fin. He began to preach in 1803 and before long was recognized throughout Wales as a powerful preacher; he was ordained at the Llangeitho Association, 1814. In 1819 he married Bridget
  • RICHARDS, ALUN MORGAN (1929 - 2004), screenwriter, playwright, and author Alun Richards was born on 27 October 1929 in Caerphilly, the son of Edward Morgan Richards (1891-1976), a commercial traveller, and his wife Megan (née Jeremy, 1905-1977). His parents were married in London in April 1929. Three days after Alun was born, his father abandoned his mother, and Alun grew up in the home of his maternal grandparents, Thomas (c.1870-1939) and Jessie (1877-1955), in the