Canlyniadau chwilio

973 - 984 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

973 - 984 of 1867 for "William Glyn"

  • LEWIS, WILLIAM (fl. 1786-1794), hymn-writer
  • LEWIS, WILLIAM (1835? - 1918), printer and publisher Born at Tewkesbury. The printing business at Cardiff, founded by John Bird in 1791 and conducted in 1855 by Hugh Bird, was transferred by the latter in 1866 to his two assistants, William Lewis and John Williams, who worked in partnership until 1873 when William Lewis became sole proprietor. Lewis had, prior to coming to Cardiff, served as an assistant in a book and stationery establishment at
  • LEWIS, WILLIAM (1814 - 1891), Calvinistic Methodist missionary and linguist
  • LEWIS, WILLIAM BEVAN (1847 - 1929), alienist Born at Cardigan 21 May 1847, to William Thomas Lewis (formerly of Trefgarn, Pembrokeshire) and Jane (Mansel Bevan) his wife, and educated at Cardigan and Guy's hospital. He practised medicine at Burry Port for four years, and then joined the staff of the West Riding Asylum at Wakefield, where he remained for thirty-five years, eventually becoming its medical director. For twenty-five years, too
  • LEWIS, WILLIAM HOWELL (1793? - 1868), minister (Congl.)
  • LEWIS, WILLIAM JAMES (1847 - 1926), mineralogist
  • LEWIS, WILLIAM MORRIS (1839 - 1917), minister (Presb.)
  • LEWIS, WILLIAM MORTIMER (1840 - 1880), Baptist college principal
  • LEWIS, Sir WILLIAM THOMAS (first BARON MERTHYR of SENGHENYDD), (1837 - 1914), coal magnate Born 5 August 1837, son of Thomas William Lewis, engineer to the Plymouth iron-works (Merthyr Tydfil), was at school under Taliesin Williams, but at 13 was articled to his father. In 1855 he became assistant-engineer in the service of the Bute estate, and in 1864 mineral agent to that estate. In the same year he married Anne, daughter of WILLIAM REES, owner of Llety-Shenkin colliery, Aberdare
  • LEWYS ap HYWEL (fl. c. 1560-1600), poet No details concerning him are available, but from the fact that the subjects of his poetry of praise and elegy were mainly persons from Denbighshire and Flintshire, it is probable that the poet himself was a native of that part of Wales. A number of his poems remain in MSS., and these include cywyddau addressed to William Mostyn of Mostyn, Pierce Mostyn of Talacre, William Holland of Hendre fawr