Canlyniadau chwilio

985 - 996 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

985 - 996 of 1267 for "Sir Joseph Bradney"

  • ROBERTS, THOMAS ROWLAND (Asaph; 1857? - 1940), biographer been found very useful. For other works by him, see Owen Williams, Awduron Sir Ddinbych.
  • ROBERTS, Sir WILLIAM (1830 - 1899), physician - gweler ROBERTS
  • teulu ROBINSON Conway, Monachdy, Gwersyllt, This family was descended from a Cheshire knight, Sir William Norris, who married a sister of Owain Tudor and whose grandson, Henry (son of Robin Norris), took the surname of Robinson. NICHOLAS ROBINSON (c. 1530 - 1585), bishop of Bangor Religion The younger son of John Robinson of Conway (son of the above Henry Robinson) by Elin, daughter of the Rev. W. Brickdale of the Wirral and his wife
  • ROCH, WALTER FRANCIS (1880 - 1965), politician and landowner rather than Lloyd George, a decision which put an end to his political career. Roch was the author of Mr. Lloyd George and the War (1920). In 1934 he was appointed J.P. for Monmouthshire. He married in 1911 the Hon. Fflorens Mary Ursula Herbert, the only daughter of Sir Ivor Herbert, M.P. for South Monmouthshire, 1906-17, and the first and last Baron Treowen. Roch and his wife spent the last 25 yrs of
  • ROCYN-JONES, Sir DAVID THOMAS (1862 - 1953), medical officer of health and a public figure
  • ROWLAND (or ROULAND), DAVID (fl. 16th century), translator ' To the right Worshipful Sir Thomas Gressam - Knight.' Rowland wrote ' an epytaphe of my Lorde of Pembroke '; he was also acquainted with the poet George Turbervile, author of The Noble Arte of Venerie or Hunting.
  • ROWLAND, Sir JOHN (1877 - 1941), civil servant
  • ROWLAND, JOHN (fl. 1760-1764), printer , op. cit., 59, and Rowlands, op. cit.); possibly also, as already suggested, the Dyfyrwch forms a fifth. In addition, at least three ballads (Y Traethodydd, 1880, 220) came from this press. Amongst the books printed by John Rowland at Bala, where his press was at work from 1761 to 1764, was Cynhwysiad byr o feddyliau'r eglwys a ymgorpholodd o dan y drefn hon yn Sir Fonwy: Pa un sy'n ymgyfarfod yn
  • ROWLAND, THOMAS (1824 - 1884), cleric and grammarian long period, Rowland's was the standard Welsh grammar, and Sir John Morris-Jones, while noting its defects, was yet able to testify that it contained 'a great deal of sound knowledge … about modern Welsh,' and that it was 'an indication of the reaction of common sense against the dominance of Pughe'. Rowland was also, for the last ten years of his life, 'corrector' of Welsh place-names for the
  • ROWLANDS, Sir ARCHIBALD (1892 - 1953), administrator
  • ROWLANDS, DAVID (Dewi Môn; 1836 - 1907), Congregational minister and college principal was a member of the Brecknock Education Committee for many years and was a strong supporter of the University of Wales. He was chairman of the Union of Welsh Independents in 1902. His literary work was varied. He was joint-editor of Y Dysgedydd for a period, collaborated with D. E. Jenkins, Liverpool, to edit a volume of sermons [wrote the English words for 'Blodwen,' an opera by Dr. Joseph Parry
  • ROWLANDS, EURYS IONOR (1926 - 2006), Welsh scholar Welsh and Welsh history in the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff where he remained for 11 years. During his time in Cardiff it became apparent that he was suffering from a serious and progressive mental illness that led to his resignation. He was awarded the Sir John Williams Fellowship by the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth for 1972 -73 which enabled him to resume