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1045 - 1056 of 2426 for "john"

1045 - 1056 of 2426 for "john"

  • JONES, IDWAL (1899 - 1966), educationist and university professor Trans. of the Cymm., 1933), the broadcast history lessons, ' Y plentyn a'r Eglwys ', and ' Y Bardd a'r Athro '. He possessed an inherent nobility of spirit, and even in his last days of illness he was a strikingly elegant and charming personality. On June 29, 1933 he married Kitty, daughter of Sir John Herbert Lewis of Plas Penucha, Caerwys; and this was no doubt what impelled him to compile the
  • JONES, IEUAN SAMUEL (1918 - 2004), minister (Cong.) impressions of the churches and countries, and being a keen photographer, he would have so many photos to display. He would report constantly about his experiences in Y Tyst, and the detailed diaries of his travels have been safeguarded in the Missionary Library which he built over the years at Tŷ John Penri. He was proud of the fact that it was the best Missionary Library in Wales, a library that not only
  • JONES, IORWERTH (1913 - 1992), minister, author and editor Chapel. It was here he started preaching in 1930, and the following year he went to Bangor University and Bala-Bangor College. He graduated with honours in Philosophy and later in Theology. His favourite subject was Christian Doctrine in his latter degree, but it was John Morgan Jones, Church History Lecturer and Principal of Bala-Bangor College, who left the most lasting religious influence on him. He
  • JONES, JAMES IFANO (1865 - 1955), librarian and bibliographer to work in the Cardiff Free Library, as it was then called, as a temporary assistant Welsh cataloguer. Over the following two years he cooperated with John Ballinger, the Chief Librarian, in the production of a Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department (1898) which has proved an indispensable tool for all who work in the field of Welsh studies and bibliography. His part in this work
  • JONES, JENKIN (bu farw 1689) Kilgerran, captain in the Parliamentary army, Puritan preacher, Independent will, dated 2 January 1688/9 - it was proved at Carmarthen on 25 June - proves that he was a man of considerable substance: he kept four yoke of oxen, more than twenty horses, and was possessed of much landed property in the counties of Pembroke and Carmarthen. The overseers of his will were Stephen Hughes and John Evans of Trefenty in Abercywyn, high sheriff of Carmarthen in 1687-8; the first
  • JONES, JENKIN (1623 - ?), captain in the Parliamentary army and Puritan preacher in the right regarding the manner of baptizing and who ought to be baptized, but he was willing to welcome other sects to the Lord's Table, and had little sympathy with the exclusionist ideas of John Miles, and his followers in south-eastern Wales. He was named as Approver under the Propagation Act of 1650, and was paid also for his services as itinerant preacher; so zealous was he in adapting the
  • JONES, JOHN (Ioan Bryngwyn Bach; 1818 - 1898), working man, astronomer, and linguist
  • JONES, JOHN (Poet Jones; 1788 - 1858), spinner, sailor and poet paraphrases of Aesop, and selling his works in the market. In 1856, he published a small book of them, Poems by John Jones. He died 19 June 1858; Ceiriog and Creuddynfab were present at his funeral.
  • JONES, JOHN (1725? - 1796), musician
  • JONES, JOHN (1700 - 1770), cleric and controversialist son of John Jones, Llanilar, Cardiganshire - not from Carmarthenshire, as said in D.N.B. He went to Worcester College, Oxford, in 1721. He was ordained priest in 1726 and became curate of King's Walden, Hertfordshire, and afterwards of Abbot's Ripton, Huntingdonshire, becoming vicar of Alconbury, in the same county, in 1741. Although he became rector of Bolnhurst, 1750-7, and curate to Dr. Young
  • JONES, JOHN (Idrisyn; 1804 - 1887), cleric and author
  • JONES, JOHN (Humilis; 1818 - 1869), Wesleyan minister, editor, translator, and essayist