Canlyniadau chwilio

649 - 660 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

649 - 660 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • OWAIN GWYNEDD (OWAIN GWYNEDD; c. 1100 - 1170), king of Gwynedd Second son of Gruffudd ap Cynan and Angharad, daughter of Owain ab Edwin, The existence of another Owain ap Gruffydd, known as Owain Cyfeiliog, explains the use of the distinctive style of ' Owain Gwynedd.' He married (1) Gwladus, daughter of Llywarch ap Trahaearn, (2) Christina, his cousin, daughter of Gronw ap Owen ap Edwin, to whom he remained constant despite the active disapproval of the
  • OWAIN GWYNEDD (fl. c. 1550-1590), poet Llwydiarth, Siôn Salbri of Llyweni, Dafydd Llwyd ap Wiliam of Peniarth, and Dafydd Llwyd ap Huw ab Ifan of Ynys y Maengwyn. He composed an elegy to the poet ' Sir ' Owain ap Gwilym, and poems of ymryson, or controversy, to Wiliam Llŷn, and to Hugh Arwystl; he also wrote religious poems, a poem on the snow, and a number of various englynion, which include one composed by him when on his sick bed.
  • OWAIN TUDOR (c. 1400 - 1461), courtier Grandfather of Henry VII, son of Maredudd ap 'Sir' Tudur ap Goronwy Fychan (see under Ednyfed Fychan) by Margaret, daughter of Dafydd Fychan ap Dafydd Llwyd. The circumstances surrounding the early part of his life are very obscure, but it is certain that as a young man he became a servant in the household of Henry V, possibly through the influence of his courtier kinsman, Maredudd ab Owain Glyn
  • OWAIN, Syr DAFYDD, cleric and poet 8330B. Some of his cywyddau have been attributed to Gruffudd ap Ieuan ap Llywelyn Fychan and Siôn Tudur.
  • OWAIN, OWAIN LLEWELYN (1877 - 1956), litterateur, musician and journalist interest in Urdd Gobaith Cymru in Caernarfon from the movement's early years, and it was he who took charge of its processions through the town on special occasions. He was an ardent supporter of the temperance cause as expounded by the Rechabites and Good Templars. He published a number of biographies: Fanny Jones (1907), Ieuan Twrog (1909), J.O. Jones (Ap Ffarmwr) (1912), T.E. Ellis (1916), Anthropos a
  • teulu OWEN Plas-du, The surname Owen became fixed in this old Caernarvonshire stock (descended from Collwyn ap Tangno) with the children of OWEN AP GRUFFYDD and his wife Margaret, daughter of Foulk Salusbury of Llanrwst (and subsequently wife of Gruffydd Madryn), several of whom were closely associated with the Catholic revival following the excommunication of Elizabeth (1570). THOMAS OWEN, the eldest son, was
  • teulu OWEN Peniarth, to Edward Breese, Kalendars of Gwynedd, and to S. R. Meyrick's edition of Dwnn's Heraldic Visitations and (b) in J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees, 323. What follows here is, therefore, but a summary. The family traced its descent from Ednowain ap Bradwen down to a LLYWELYN who did homage for his land to Edward I. Llywelyn's son, EDNYFED, married GWENLLIAN, daughter and co-heiress of Gruffydd ab Adda ap
  • teulu OWEN Bodeon, Bodowen, Bodeon stands in the parish of Llangadwaladr, Anglesey, within easy distance of the mansion of Bodorgan. There was at times much political affinity between the two families but (curiously enough) hardly any marriage alliances. OWEN AP HUGH of Bodeon was quite a prominent man in Anglesey in the early age of Elizabeth, sheriff twice, and Member of Parliament in 1545 for Newborough (according to the
  • teulu OWEN Orielton, The Owen of Orielton family played a prominent part in the history of Pembrokeshire for nearly three centuries. The estate of Orielton in Castlemartin came into the possession of the Owen family by the marriage of HUGH ab OWEN to Elizabeth Wirriot in 1571. Hugh Owen (he dropped the 'ab') was the eldest son of Owen ap Hugh of Bodowen (or Bodeon), Anglesey, who claimed to be a descendant of Hwfa ap
  • OWEN ap GRUFFYDD ap GWENWYNWYN (bu farw 1293) - gweler GRUFFYDD ap GWENWYNWYN
  • OWEN ap SION ap RHYS (fl. second half of 16th century) Trefeilir, poet
  • OWEN, DAVID (Dewi Wyn o Eifion; 1784 - 1841), farmer and poet , named Gaerwen, at Pwllheli, and owing to his brother's ill-health, Dewi and his mother moved to Pwllheli in 1827. He still held the farm at Gaerwen, and when his brother died in 1837, he returned home, and remained there to the end of his days. His bardic tutor was Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu), his neighbour, who lived at Betws Fawr, near Gaerwen. At the age of 21 Dewi won the Gwyneddigion