Canlyniadau chwilio

661 - 672 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

661 - 672 of 906 for "Rhydderch ap Iestyn"

  • OWEN, ELLIS (1789 - 1868), farmer, antiquary, and poet one of the secretaries of the Tremadoc eisteddfod in 1851. As a bard he was not as eminent as his contemporaries, Dewi Wyn and Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu); but he composed a number of short poems and englynion, and he wrote scores of epitaphs at the request of friends and neighbours. His poems and essays were published in a volume entitled Cell Meudwy by his friend Robert Isaac Jones
  • OWEN, GERALLT LLOYD (1944 - 2014), teacher, publisher, poet closing date. Had he done so the Eisteddfod would have received poems from four of the foremost strict metre poets in Wales, namely Alan Llwyd, Dic Jones, Donald Evans and Gerallt himself, which would have proved an additional headache to the adjudicators. The completed poem was published in his volume Cilmeri a Cherddi Eraill. In Swansea in 1982 he won again for his ode 'Cilmeri', about Llywelyn ap
  • OWEN, HUGH (1575? - 1642) Gwenynog,, translator Born about 1575, son of Owen ap Hugh ap Richard, the owner of the small estate of Gwenynog, in the parish of Llanfflewyn, Anglesey. It is not certain that he ever went to a university, but he is said to have been learned not only in law but in more than one foreign language, ' the which he was not taught by any Teacher save himself, and that in his own study in his own home.' In the course of the
  • OWEN, JOHN (John Owen of Tyn-llwyn; 1807 - 1876), Calvinistic Methodist minister, and writer on agriculture ) was his schoolfellow. At home, he turned in the literary circle of Eifionydd, which included such men as Dewi Wyn, Robert ap Gwilym Ddu, and Ellis Owen. He began preaching in 1836, married, and went to Bala C.M. College, but had to leave on the death of his father. He was ordained in 1842, but never undertook a pastoral charge, for he held that such an institution had no place in Methodism. In 1853
  • OWEN, Baron LEWIS (bu farw 1555), judge Son of Owen ap Hywel ap Llywelyn, of Llwyn, Dolgelley. Under Henry VIII he was appointed deputy-chamberlain of North Wales and baron (i.e. judge) of the exchequer at Caernarvon; he was sheriff of Merioneth in 1545-6 and 1554-5, and Member of Parliament for the shire in 1547, 1553, and 1554; he lived at Cwrt Plas-yn-dre, Dolgelley. As sheriff, he undertook to extirpate the ' Red Bandits of Mawddwy
  • OWEN, RICHARD JONES (Glaslyn; 1831 - 1909), poet and prose-writer obtain for Glaslyn a Government pension as a reward for his services to literature. NLW MS 2856B contains an example of his work. His son was JOHN OWEN (Ap Glaslyn; 1857 - 1934), preacher, poet, and musician; born at Beddgelert 6 May 1857. He was educated at the local school, became a pupil teacher and later worked in the slate quarries at Ffestiniog and Llanberis. In his youth he was successful as an
  • OWEN, ROBERT (bu farw 1685), Quaker October 1659; as late as January 1660 he was placed by the ' Rump ' on the county committee for the assessment of taxes. American Quaker sources make him governor of Beaumaris immediately before the Restoration (adding that John ap John, was there with him). In April 1660, Owen, with some of his late fellow-commissioners, was arrested, and imprisoned in Caernarvon gaol. In the same year he joined the
  • PARRY, BLANCHE (1508? - 1590) grandfather, Miles ap Harri, was married to Joan, a daughter of Sir Harry Stradling of S. Donat's, Glamorganshire, and as Joan's mother was sister to William Herbert, earl of Pembroke, the Herberts too come into the complex. Besides all this, there was kinship between the Parrys and the Cecils of Allt-yr-ynys (which is not far from Bacton); the William Cecil who continued to live at Allt-yr-ynys was in his
  • PARRY, BLANCHE (1507/8 - 1590), Chief Gentlewoman of Queen Elizabeth's most honourable Privy Chamber and Keeper of Her Majesty's jewels Blanche Herbert, Lady Troy). All are given in full, transcribed into modern Welsh and translated into English on One of Guto'r Glyn's poems, 'Harri Ddu o Euas', gives the pedigree of this wide-branching family (Ifor Williams & J.Ll. Williams, eds, Gwaith Guto'r Glyn, 200-4 and 216-20); it refers to Harri Ddu ap Gruffudd, Blanche's great-grandfather, steward of Usk, Caerleon and
  • PARRY, JAMES RHYS (fl. 1570?-1625?), poet and author of a Welsh metrical version of the Psalms He was a member of some branch of the old-established family of Parry of Poston, Herefordshire (cf. Parry, Blanche), and Llandefaelog-tre'r-graig, Brecknock - for pedigree, see Theophilus Jones, Brecknock [iv, 2-3, 155], and Llyfr Baglan. James Parry may be the James ap Rhys Parry mentioned in Llyfr Baglan, 37; at the time that his son George Parry went to Oxford (17 January 1633/4) the father
  • PARRY, RICHARD (1560 - 1623), bishop and biblical translator Born in 1560, son of John ap Harri, of Pwllhalog, Cwm, Flintshire, and Ruthin, and his wife, Elen ferch Dafydd ap John, of Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd. Richard Parry was educated at Westminster School under Camden. In 1579 he entered Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. 5 February 1584. He was ordained a deacon by bishop Robinson of Bangor, 5 April 1584, and on 4 May was instituted to a
  • PARRY, ROBERT (fl. 1540?-1612?), author and diarist Son of Harry ap Robert (of the Parry family of Tywysog, in the parish of Henllan, Denbighshire), and Elin, daughter of Rhys Wynn ap Gruffydd ap Madog Fychan, of Ffynogion. He married Dorothy, daughter of John Wynn Panton. Parry owed friendly allegiance to the Salusbury family of Lleweni, Denbighshire; an English elegy written by him on the death of his cousin, Katheryn of Berain, mother of Sir