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733 - 744 of 1754 for "enid wyn jones"

733 - 744 of 1754 for "enid wyn jones"

  • JONES, JENKIN (bu farw 1689) Kilgerran, captain in the Parliamentary army, Puritan preacher, Independent 1675; in the census of 1676, only five nonconformists were counted in the parish. Under the proposals of James II in 1687 to grant freedom of worship to all (especially to Roman Catholics), Jones was suggested as a Dissenting J.P. to give force to these proposals, but there is not the slightest proof that he believed in the sincerity of the king or that he was willing to further the king's plans. His
  • JONES, JENKIN (1700? - 1742), Arminian minister Born at Trafle, Llanwenog, Cardiganshire, in 1700 (?). The family later moved to Bryngranod which was sufficiently near Crug-y-maen to be influenced by its radical tendencies. There is an entry in the Cilgwyn church register which reads: 'Jenkin Jones of Llwynrhydowen; ordained April 1726, obiit 1742.' We know nothing of his early life except that he was at Carmarthen Academy from 1720 to 1722
  • JONES, JENKIN (1623 - ?), captain in the Parliamentary army and Puritan preacher He was born at Tŷ Mawr in Llanddetty parish, Brecknock, matriculated at Jesus College, Oxford, in 1639, and married as second wife Barbara, daughter of Sir Anthony Mansell of Briton Ferry, niece to Bussy Mansell, who was very prominent on the Parliament's side in Glamorgan. Jones speedily came to the front in the Civil War both as soldier and as preacher; he was convinced that the Baptists were
  • JONES, JEREMIAH (1693 - 1724), minister - gweler JONES, SAMUEL
  • JONES, JEREMIAH WOOD (1778? - 1867), harpist - gweler WOOD
  • JONES, JOHN (Ioan Bryngwyn Bach; 1818 - 1898), working man, astronomer, and linguist
  • JONES, JOHN (Poet Jones; 1788 - 1858), spinner, sailor and poet paraphrases of Aesop, and selling his works in the market. In 1856, he published a small book of them, Poems by John Jones. He died 19 June 1858; Ceiriog and Creuddynfab were present at his funeral.
  • JONES, JOHN (1725? - 1796), musician
  • JONES, JOHN (1700 - 1770), cleric and controversialist son of John Jones, Llanilar, Cardiganshire - not from Carmarthenshire, as said in D.N.B. He went to Worcester College, Oxford, in 1721. He was ordained priest in 1726 and became curate of King's Walden, Hertfordshire, and afterwards of Abbot's Ripton, Huntingdonshire, becoming vicar of Alconbury, in the same county, in 1741. Although he became rector of Bolnhurst, 1750-7, and curate to Dr. Young
  • JONES, JOHN (Idrisyn; 1804 - 1887), cleric and author Born 20 January 1804 at Dolgelley, the son of William Humffrey, carpenter, and Elizabeth. In 1818 he was apprenticed to Richard Jones, printer and publisher of Yr Eurgrawn Wesleyaidd, and accompanied him to Llanfair Caereinion on his removal to that town in 1824, and a little later to Llanidloes. It was at Llanidloes in 1830 that he started printing and publishing on his own account. He was a
  • JONES, JOHN (Humilis; 1818 - 1869), Wesleyan minister, editor, translator, and essayist