Canlyniadau chwilio

745 - 756 of 1754 for "enid wyn jones"

745 - 756 of 1754 for "enid wyn jones"

  • JONES, JOHN (Myllin; 1800 - 1826), poet
  • JONES, JOHN (Leander; 1575 - 1636), Benedictine monk and scholar
  • JONES, JOHN (1731 - 1813), early Welsh Moravian Leominster and acting as agent on a nearby estate. By 1790 (at latest) he was assistant pastor of the Congregation. He died 4 February 1813. There was a Thomas Jones, also of Llanfaredd, and also concerned with Moravianism; but nothing seems to be known about him (Cymm., xlv, 17).
  • JONES, JOHN (1807 - 1875), Calvinistic Methodist minister Born 4 October 1807 at Melin Blaenpistyll, Llangoedmor, Cardiganshire, son of Samuel and Charlotte Jones. While still very young, his parents went to live at Cytir-bach, near Blaenannerch. He was given a little education in the local day school and later in a school at Cardigan. His interest in preaching started when he was a boy, and in 1833, after experiencing a profound religious emotion, he
  • JONES, JOHN (Shoni Sguborfawr; c.1810 - 1867), Rebecca rioter
  • JONES, JOHN (1772 - 1837), barrister, translator, and historian . Jones was a good Greek scholar; he was well read in the manuscript records of Britain and other countries, but his strong prejudices often perverted his judgements as a historian. His published works include: (a) Translation from the Danish of Dr. Bugge's Travels in the French Republic, 1801; (b) Y Cyfammod Newydd, yn cynnwys cyfieithiad cyffredinol y Pedair Efengyl …, 1812, sometimes erroneously
  • JONES, JOHN (1807 - 1875), printer Born 13 August 1807, at Tyddyn Siôn, Aber-erch, Caernarfonshire, son of Ellis and Catherine Jones. For a while he had a printing establishment in London, and it was here that the Welsh monthly called Y Cymro was printed, 1830-1. Returning to Wales, he joined the staff of the Carnarvon Herald, and spent the greater part of his life in Caernarvon serving that newspaper. He died 20 December 1875.
  • JONES, JOHN (Ioan Brothen; 1868 - 1940), poet Born 10 June 1868, son of John and Jane Jones of Cae'r Gorlan, Llanfrothen, Meironnydd. The family went to live at Hafod Mynydd and it was as ' John Hafod Mynydd ' that Ioan Brothen was known to his friends. He was one of five children; his sister Meirionwen also wrote poetry. He was given a little education at the local day school, but was more grateful for the education he received at the
  • JONES, JOHN (1837 - 1906), minister (Presb.) and writer Born December 1837, son of George Jones, Abercin (Abercain), Llanystumdwy, Caernarfonshire, see Caernarvonshire Historical Society Transactions, 1945, 46-8, 54, and the chart in J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees, 211 (although this particular branch of the pedigree is not included in it). He served in drapers' shops in Caernarfon and London, but he began to preach and went to Bala College in 1861. He was
  • JONES, JOHN (EMLYN) (Ioan Emlyn; 1818 - 1873), Baptist minister, poet, and man of letters
  • JONES, JOHN (fl. second half of the 18th century) Llanddeiniolen, schoolmaster
  • JONES, JOHN (c. 1578-1583 - 1658?) Gellilyfdy, Loveday, Ysgeifiog, calligrapher and transcriber of manuscripts John Jones leaves his readers in no doubt as to his ancestry, for many of the surviving manuscripts contain such an entry as this: ' Siôn ap Wiliam ap Siôn ap Wiliam ap Siôn ap Dafydd ab Ithel Vychan ap Kynrig ap Rrotbert ap Ierwerth ap Rryrid ap Ierwerth ap Madog ab Ednowain Bendew …' (Peniarth MS 224), with, often, such an ending to the pedigree as 'Yr hwnn Siôn ap Wiliam a elwir yn ol y